パーカーポイント: 89点 予想される飲み頃:1993 - 2020 The 1988 Mouton has an attractive aroma of exotic spices, minerals, coffee, black currants, and sweet oak. Much like the 1989, the bouquet is staggering, but the flavors are distinctly less profound. In the mouth, it is a much firmer, tougher, more obviously tannic wine than the 1989, with medium body and outstanding ripeness. A beautifully made 1988 that will last 20-25 years, its short finish keeps it from being sublime. The 1988 is somewhat reminiscent of the 1985, but with more tannin. Anticipated maturity: Now-2020. Last tasted 1/93 (Bordeaux Book, 3rd Edition, The Wine Advocate 1st Jan 1998)
Chateau Mouton Rothschild
予想される飲み頃:1993 - 2020
The 1988 Mouton has an attractive aroma of exotic spices, minerals, coffee, black currants, and sweet oak. Much like the 1989, the bouquet is staggering, but the flavors are distinctly less profound. In the mouth, it is a much firmer, tougher, more obviously tannic wine than the 1989, with medium body and outstanding ripeness. A beautifully made 1988 that will last 20-25 years, its short finish keeps it from being sublime. The 1988 is somewhat reminiscent of the 1985, but with more tannin. Anticipated maturity: Now-2020. Last tasted 1/93
(Bordeaux Book, 3rd Edition, The Wine Advocate 1st Jan 1998)
シャトー ムートン ロートシルト
Chateau Mouton Rothschild
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