The dark ruby/purple-hued 2008 reveals an angular, austere personality along with medium to full-bodied, deep, concentrated fruit.
An unusually backward and highly tannic 2008, it will benefit from 3-4 years of cellaring and should keep for 20 years. It is a very good wine, but it is not pleasant to drink at present.
PP(WAポイント) 93 掲載媒体:Wine Journal #0312 (2012-03-31) レビュアー:Neal Martin 飲み頃:データなし
Tasted ex-chateau and single blind in Southwold. With yet another strong performance under blind conditions, the Lagrange 2008 continues as one of the most consistent performers in this consistent commune. It has a slightly bretty nose that subdues the fruit, notes of iodine and violets emerging with time. The palate is medium-bodied with firm, ripe tannins, well balanced with a much cleaner entry than the nose suggest. It improves all the time in the glass but those tannins will take years to melt. Impressive.
グリュオ・ラローズの裏に位置するシャトー で、
PP(WAポイント) 89+
掲載媒体:Wine Advocate #194 (2011-05-02)
レビュアー:Robert Parker 飲み頃:2014-2034
The dark ruby/purple-hued 2008 reveals an angular, austere personality along with medium to full-bodied, deep, concentrated fruit.
An unusually backward and highly tannic 2008, it will benefit from 3-4 years of cellaring and should keep for 20 years. It is a very good wine, but it is not pleasant to drink at present.
PP(WAポイント) 93
掲載媒体:Wine Journal #0312 (2012-03-31)
レビュアー:Neal Martin 飲み頃:データなし
Tasted ex-chateau and single blind in Southwold. With yet another strong performance under blind conditions, the Lagrange 2008 continues as one of the most consistent performers in this consistent commune. It has a slightly bretty nose that subdues the fruit, notes of iodine and violets emerging with time. The palate is medium-bodied with firm, ripe tannins, well balanced with a much cleaner entry than the nose suggest. It improves all the time in the glass but those tannins will take years to melt. Impressive.
Tasted January 2012.
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