緊急大幅値下げ[送料無料] Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Japanese Hey! Play! [海外通販] | Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Hey! Play!|Walmart 店

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[送料無料] Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Japanese Hey! Play! [海外通販] | Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Hey! Play!|Walmart 店

[送料無料] Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Japanese Hey! Play! [海外通販] | Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Hey! Play!|Walmart 店

子供向け- Shut the boxは、戦略と批判的思考の計数ゲームを子供たちに紹介するための素晴らしい教育活動です。お子さんは、このテンポの速い、競争力のある算数ゲームで何時間も楽しむことができます。大人も楽しめる- 2人用のコンパクトなゲームで、旅行にも便利です。サイコロも2個付いているので、遊ぶのに必要なものはすべて揃っています。サイコロを振って、出た目と同じ数のタイルを並べていきます。例えば、7が出たら7を、3と4を並べるなどです。組み合わせが無くなるまで続けます。最も低いスコアを出したプレイヤーの勝利です。丈夫でよくできています- 丈夫なパイン材で作られているので、この昔ながらの卓上ゲームは、家族みんなで末永く楽しむことができます。商品詳細- 素材。パイン材サイズ(L)13.5"×(W)9.25"×(H)1.75".サイコロは2個付属しています。対象年齢:3歳以上 |




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| GREAT FOR KIDS- Shut the box is a great educational activity to introduce children to counting games of strategy and critical thinking. Your kids will enjoy hours of fun with this fast-paced and competitive math game! FUN FOR ADULTS- This compact 2 player game is conveniently travel-friendly, making it a great activity to bring to your next game night with friends. The set also comes with 2 dice included, so that you have everything you need to play. EASY TO PLAY- Roll the dice and lay down any combination of tiles equal to the number you rolled. For example, if you roll a 7, you can lay down the 7, or 3 and 4, etc. Continue until you run out of combinations. The player with the lowest score wins. STURDY AND WELL-MADE- Constructed from strong Pine wood, this old-fashioned tabletop activity is a long-lasting game that the whole family will enjoy playing it for many years to come! PRODUCT DETAILS- Materials: Pine Wood. Dimensions: (L)13.5”x (W)9.25”x (H)1.75”. Comes with 2 dice included. For ages 3 and up.
[送料無料] Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Japanese Hey! Play! [海外通販] | Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Hey! Play!|Walmart 店
[送料無料] Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Japanese Hey! Play! [海外通販] | Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Hey! Play!|Walmart 店
[送料無料] Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Japanese Hey! Play! [海外通販] | Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Hey! Play!|Walmart 店
[送料無料] Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Japanese Hey! Play! [海外通販] | Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Hey! Play!|Walmart 店
[送料無料] Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Japanese Hey! Play! [海外通販] | Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Hey! Play!|Walmart 店
[送料無料] Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Japanese Hey! Play! [海外通販] | Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Hey! Play!|Walmart 店
[送料無料] Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Japanese Hey! Play! [海外通販] | Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Hey! Play!|Walmart 店
[送料無料] Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Japanese Hey! Play! [海外通販] | Shut the Box Game-Classic 9 Number Wooden Set with Dice included by Hey! Play!|Walmart 店
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