ふるさと納税Hubert Lignier Clos de la Roche 1988 / ユベール リニエ クロ ド ラ ロッシュ 1988|Fine and Rare
Hubert Lignier Clos de la Roche 1988 / ユベール リニエ クロ ド ラ ロッシュ 1988
The Clos de la Roche is strongly limestone: barely 30 centimeters of earth, little pebbles, and large blocks of stone that gave it this name, it comes from historical foundations in 1141 and from the consolidation of several Climats The Clos de la Roche is affirmed, very close to the Chambertin, deep and deep, the humus, the truffle often precede the small red or black fruit. Varieties : Pinot Noir Wine Score : 95/100 75cl
Hubert Lignier Clos de la Roche 1988 / ユベール リニエ クロ ド ラ ロッシュ 1988
The Clos de la Roche is strongly limestone: barely 30 centimeters of earth, little pebbles, and large blocks of stone that gave it this name, it comes from historical foundations in 1141 and from the consolidation of several Climats
5The Clos de la Roche is affirmed, very close to the Chambertin, deep and deep, the humus, the truffle often precede the small red or black fruit.
Varieties : Pinot Noir
Wine Score : 95/100
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