Wear your favorite skirt, shorts, or dress in any season wearing the Wolford(R) Satin Opaque 50 Tights. Slim fit. Offer highest comfort level with high degree of elasticity and perfect fit. Special plating technology for durability. Opaque and shimmering surface. Cotton gusset. 92% nylon, 8% elastane. Machine wash, line dry. If you're not fully satisfied with your purchase, you are welcome to return any unworn and unwashed items with tags intact and original packaging included.
━ カタログ(英語)より抜粋 ━
Wear your favorite skirt, shorts, or dress in any season wearing the Wolford(R) Satin Opaque 50 Tights.
Slim fit.
Offer highest comfort level with high degree of elasticity and perfect fit.
Special plating technology for durability.
Opaque and shimmering surface.
Cotton gusset.
92% nylon, 8% elastane.
Machine wash, line dry.
If you're not fully satisfied with your purchase, you are welcome to return any unworn and unwashed items with tags intact and original packaging included.
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