パーカーポイント: 90点 予想される飲み頃:1990 - 2015 The classic Mouton lead-pencil, cedary nose has begun to emerge. This medium dark ruby, elegant, medium-bodied wine will never be a great or legendary Mouton. The flavors are ripe and moderately rich. With good depth and some firm tannins to resolve, this offering from Mouton is bigger and richer than the 1981, 1979, or 1978. Austere by the standards of Mouton and the vintage, the 1983 resembles the chateaus fine 1966. Anticipated maturity: Now-2015. Last tasted, 10/90. (Bordeaux Book, 3rd Edition, The Wine Advocate 1st Jan 1998)
Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1983
Chateau Mouton Rothschild
予想される飲み頃:1990 - 2015
The classic Mouton lead-pencil, cedary nose has begun to emerge. This medium dark ruby, elegant, medium-bodied wine will never be a great or legendary Mouton. The flavors are ripe and moderately rich. With good depth and some firm tannins to resolve, this offering from Mouton is bigger and richer than the 1981, 1979, or 1978. Austere by the standards of Mouton and the vintage, the 1983 resembles the chateaus fine 1966. Anticipated maturity: Now-2015. Last tasted, 10/90.
(Bordeaux Book, 3rd Edition, The Wine Advocate 1st Jan 1998)
シャトー ムートン ロートシルト
Chateau Mouton Rothschild
シャトー ムートン ロートシルト一覧へ
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ベルターニ アマローネ デッラ ヴァルポリチェッラ クラッシコ 2001 赤 木箱付き 750ml|お酒のちゃがたパーク 店
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Opus One 2003 / オーパス ワン 2003|Fine and Rare
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【送料無料!(北海道・沖縄は別途送料)】シャンベルタン クロ ド ベズ [2018] 750ml【ロベール グロフィエ】赤ワイン/フランスワイン/ブルゴーニュワイン/ プレゼント/クロ ド ベーズ(クール代別途要)|ワインスクエアー・アズマヅル