パーカーポイント: 94点 予想される飲み頃:2022 - 2050 Tasted blind as a vintage comparison at the Valandraud vertical, the 2012 Angelus has a forward and generous bouquet of mulberry, boysenberry, orange rind and slithers of tangerine. It is undoubtedly detailed and energetic, a subtle marine scent surfacing with continued aeration. The palate is medium-bodied with rounded and supple tannin, slightly honeyed in texture yet with a keen line of acidity running through it. Impressive body and mass, yet primal, surly and broody. Perhaps only now is it starting to flex its muscles. This is a well crafted and opulent Saint Emilion with a long future ahead and it may warrant a higher score in the future. Those who cellar this for over a decade will see this in full flight. Tasted December 2016. (229, The Wine Advocate, 1st Mar 2017)
Chateau Angelus
予想される飲み頃:2022 - 2050
Tasted blind as a vintage comparison at the Valandraud vertical, the 2012 Angelus has a forward and generous bouquet of mulberry, boysenberry, orange rind and slithers of tangerine. It is undoubtedly detailed and energetic, a subtle marine scent surfacing with continued aeration. The palate is medium-bodied with rounded and supple tannin, slightly honeyed in texture yet with a keen line of acidity running through it. Impressive body and mass, yet primal, surly and broody. Perhaps only now is it starting to flex its muscles. This is a well crafted and opulent Saint Emilion with a long future ahead and it may warrant a higher score in the future. Those who cellar this for over a decade will see this in full flight. Tasted December 2016.
(229, The Wine Advocate, 1st Mar 2017)
シャトー アンジェリュス
Chateau Angelus
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