A characteristic: Envelope for a gift of money before the spirit of the departed 100 yen bag for the Buddhist mass Product specifications: ◆The eyes of the amount of money are it lower: It is ◆ use to 1,000 yen - around 10,000 yen: It is a funeral service, a funeral service a wake. ◆ number becoming the one-touch with ◆ paste using by 49 days from death day containing: Ten pieces ◆Materials: Fine paper
A characteristic:
Envelope for a gift of money before the spirit of the departed 100 yen bag for the Buddhist mass
Product specifications:
◆The eyes of the amount of money are it lower: It is ◆ use to 1,000 yen - around 10,000 yen: It is a funeral service, a funeral service a wake. ◆ number becoming the one-touch with ◆ paste using by 49 days from death day containing: Ten pieces
◆Materials: Fine paper
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