CONSUMER BEHAVIOR combines a foundation in key concepts from marketing, psychology, sociology, and anthropology with a highly practical focus on real-world applications for today's business environment. The new edition of this popular, pioneering text incorporates the latest cutting-edge research and current business practices, including extensive coverage of social media influences, increased consumer power, emerging neuroscience findings, and emotion in consumer decision making. In addition, the Sixth Edition includes an increased emphasis on social responsibility and ethics in marketing. With even more real-world examples and application exercises, including new opening examples and closing cases in every chapter, CONSUMER BEHAVIOR provides a thorough, yet engaging and enjoyable guide to this essential subject, enabling students and professionals alike to master the skills they need to succeed.
Consumer Behavior
臨床検査技師 赤本14冊
やよいの青色申告 24+クラウド 通常版
【裁断済み】勘定科目別 異常点監査の実務
《美品レア!!》《送料無料》⭐︎ 公庫から5000万円を事業計画書の作り方 ♪⭐︎
中小企業診断士受験講座 日本マンパワー 13冊と重要項目カード4部
【美品】キャッシュフロー101日本語版 ボードゲーム
1967年発行 倉庫経営論 松本清
1976年発行 非売品 倉庫判例紹介集 第三集 有田喜十郎
住宅地図 富山市 北陸自動車道以北記載
レスキュー225 マニュアル(最新版) 値引き交渉可能