The 2011 Sassicaia Bolgheri Sassicaia does not reach the awe-inspiring heights of the two previous vintages (2009 and 2010) that are both iconic in their beauty and pedigree. Sassicaia always suffers when tasted young, which makes it a challenge to assess properly at release time. Even accounting for the wine’s future evolution, there’s no doubt that this vintage lacks the amazing sense of depth, energy and profound complexity that characterize the greatest editions of this landmark Italian wine. The winemaking quality is intact and the quality of fruit is beautiful indeed, albeit on the soft and ripe side. The bouquet is redolent of wild blackberry, cola, Mediterranean herb and blanched almond. In the mouth, it delivers a lingering sense of strength and firmness with ash, crushed rock and dried cherry. Perhaps the magic is still to come: Sassicaia should be aged for at least five to ten more years.
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