■Brand:OPUS ONE ■Name:Unopened Opus One 2014 Red Wine America ■Condition:Used ■Rank:S rank/Mint ■brand: Opus One ■Product capacity (ml): Product: 600 ~ 899 ml ■Exterior condition:FaintScuffs ■Overall condition:An unused item with small scratches and stains from the exhibition. ■please note:Please note that depending on your PC environment, the colors may appear different from the actual ,Since it is a secondary distribution product, the manufacturing date, storage period, expiration dat,Please refrain from placing orders for minors. ■Shop:Other ■Item Number:23035240
■ブランド:OPUS ONE オーパス ワン
■商品名:未開栓 オーパスワン 2014 赤ワイン アメリカ
■ブランド: オーパス・ワン
■単品容量(ml): 単品:600 ~ 899mL
■Name:Unopened Opus One 2014 Red Wine America
■Rank:S rank/Mint
■brand: Opus One
■Product capacity (ml): Product: 600 ~ 899 ml
■Exterior condition:FaintScuffs
■Overall condition:An unused item with small scratches and stains from the exhibition.
■please note:Please note that depending on your PC environment, the colors may appear different from the actual ,Since it is a secondary distribution product, the manufacturing date, storage period, expiration dat,Please refrain from placing orders for minors.
■Item Number:23035240
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