ジャパネスク スカジャン 3RSJ-030 梅とウグイス メンズ スーベニアジャケット ブラック 新品 JAPANESQUE(ジャパネスク)は、日本のカジュアルウェア服飾アパレルブランド「Switch Planning(スイッチプランニング) / 花旅楽団 SCRIPT(スクリプト)」が展開する和柄レーベルです。 主な製品は、日本古来の和文様や和のデザインをベースにしたスカジャン(スーベニアジャケット)や、その他の和柄アイテムです。 単なる和柄デザインだけではなく、サイズは日本規格サイズで、シルエット、素材、ディテールは現代風にアレンジされ、カジュアルテイストをプラスして、タウンユース用としてスタイリッシュにご着用いただけますようにカスタマイズされています。 そのSwitch Planning(スイッチプランニング)ブランドの、 和柄レーベル・JAPANESQUE(ジャパネスク)のスカジャン(メンズ スーベニアジャケット)です。 リバーシブルのスカジャンで、表生地のみに刺繍が配されています(裏側は無地です)。 素材は表生地がレーヨン100%のサテン生地、裏生地がポリエステル100%のサテン生地です。 タラタラとしたシルクのようなドレープ感と独特の重厚な光沢が特徴のサテン生地です。 衿と袖口と裾は、綿88%・ポリエステル10%・ポリウレタン2%の ライン入りリブ生地で切り替えられています。 中綿は詰められていませんので、モコモコ感がなく、すっきりとした着用感になります。 また、中綿なしの薄手のライトアウターですので、 春先から秋口まで軽く羽織れ、年間を通して、幅広く着用できます。 フロントファスナーには、噛まないようにスムーズに動き、 ボディにダメージを与えないよう角が丸くなっている、 YKK別注のジャパネスクオリジナルジッパーが採用されています。 表生地・裏生地ともにウエスト部には、 三角形の補強ステッチが付いた弧状の両玉縁ポケットが設けられています。 刺繍は高度な技術をもった機械刺繍で再現しています。 作品名は「3RSJ-030 JAPANESQUE ジャパネスク 梅と鶯刺繍スカジャン」です。 ウメとうぐいす、富士山と朝日、風情あるモチーフが一着のスカジャンに収められています。多くの色を使いながらも落ち着いた雰囲気に仕上げられています。 とってもカッコいいジャパネスクスカジャンです。バイカーズ・ライダースにもおすすめです。 ※この製品は独特の風合いをだすための染め加工がほどこされビンテージ感が再現されています。そのため、生地や刺繍には多少糸とび・糸切れも発生していますが、意図的な加工ですので予めご了承ください。 ※本製品は素材の特性上、非常にデリケートな製品です。生地部分は摩擦、滑脱に弱く、また、色落ち、色焼けによる変色が起きる素材です。また、刺繍部分は浮上にデリケートなため、引っ掛かりには十分にご注意ください。タンブラー乾燥機のご使用は、型崩れ、色落ち、ほつれ、縮み等の原因となりますのでお避けくださいますようお願い申し上げます。 Product Description in English Japanesque Script Japanese Souvenir Jacket 3RSJ-030 Ume and Bird Men s Sukajan Gender : Men Fit : Japanese size (It is smaller than american standard sizes) This Jacket is trim fit for a stylish silhouette that giving it a more clean and dapper appearance. Outer shell : 100% rayon satin, No stretch fabric Lining shell : 100% polyester satin, No stretch fabric Type of insulation : No fill, Casual Lightweight Outerwear, suitable for spring and fall seasons Placket type : Zipper closure Storage : The front and reverse sides have curved welted pockets at the waist Style : Casual / japanese souvenir jacket / sukajan style Pattern Type : Embroidery Sleeve Style : Contrast raglan sleeves Sleeve Length : Long Made in China. New with tags: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item. The model is wearing size 40(Medium). Height:5feet 9inch(1.75m), weight:134pound(61kg) *All measurements are taken with the garment flat on the ground. *Sleeve length is taken from the center back of the neck. *Please understand that measurements may vary somewhat. *Note that actual color may be slightly different from one in the photo. *Please refer to size chart for sizing. Japanesque is a label spun-off from casualwear brand Switch Planning (Script Hanatabi Gakudan) in Japan, and its focus is on the Japanese embroidered souvenir jackets and other items with traditional Japanese motifs. Featuring traditional Japanese patterns and designs, the lineup includes pieces in Japanese sizes and silhouettes, with the materials and details retooled for today s taste. These are not just merely Japanese patterns, but pieces that have been enhanced with modern casual styles. The item is produced to give added casual style for wear in urban settings and use in town. That match today s taste. Here is one piece from the Japanesque brand : a reversible Japanese souvenir jacket (Casual Lightweight Outerwear, Satin Bomber Jacket) for Men. The front side is embroidered, the reverse side is plain (solid). This jacket is trim fit for a stylish silhouette that giving it a more clean and dapper appearance. Outer shell is made of 100% light-weight rayon satin and lining shell is made of 100% light-weight polyester satin. Fabric has no stretch. High weave density satin offers a unique flowing drape and sheen with a silky hand, with sophisticated wrinkles on the face of the fabric for the fashionable vintage feel and look. Satin is a weave that has a glossy face and a soft, slippery texture. It is smooth and sleek so you can take the jacket off and put it on easily. The knit rib cuffs, collar and waistband are comfortable and flexible with a 88% cotton, 10% polyester and 2% polyurethane fabric. There is no internal batting, so the jacket is not bulky or puffy. It wears clean and close to the body. And this light piece of outerwear can be worn year-round, especially in spring and fall. Front zip closure The front zipper moves smoothly, and won t get stuck, with rounded edges to protect the fabric. The zipper is a special-order piece from YKK. The front and reverse sides have curved welted pockets reinforced with triangular gusseted stitches. Pattern type is embroidery. The front side is embroidered, the reverse side is plain (solid). Embroidery is created like hand work for a vintage-like effect. Designed in the motif of the Ume (japanese plum tree) and nightingale bird. *This item has been specially treated to produce a vintage-like effect. Note that this may cause some of the threads in the base material and embroidery to appear loose or split in parts. Note that this is entirely consistent with the vintage effect and is intentional. *Note that the material used in this product is extremely delicate. The material is susceptible to damage from friction and wear, and its color may wear or fade in the sun. Note that the embroidered accent is extremely delicate, so avoid striking it against surfaces. Tumble drying should be avoided, as it can cause the garment to lose shape, fray, or shrink. Japanese souvenir jacket(Sukajan) History Souvenir jackets or more famously know as Sukajan (suka referring to the US navy base in Yokosuka Japan and Jan meaning jacket) The souvenir jacket (commonly known as the sukajyan (Skajang/Skajan) in japan) originated duringthe early days of post World War II. The jackets featured a variety of oriental designs(eagle・tiger・dragon) and/or the servicemen s very own designs of their unit or base name,etc. Later, souvenir jackets became commercialized and sold through Post Exchanges (PX;commissaries within the US army bases) throughout Japan. japanesque-rodeo-japan script-rodeo-japan zyakeltuto-rodeo-japan suubenia-rodeo-japan
JAPANESQUE(ジャパネスク)は、日本のカジュアルウェア服飾アパレルブランド「Switch Planning(スイッチプランニング) / 花旅楽団 SCRIPT(スクリプト)」が展開する和柄レーベルです。
そのSwitch Planning(スイッチプランニング)ブランドの、
和柄レーベル・JAPANESQUE(ジャパネスク)のスカジャン(メンズ スーベニアジャケット)です。
作品名は「3RSJ-030 JAPANESQUE ジャパネスク 梅と鶯刺繍スカジャン」です。
Product Description in English
Japanesque Script Japanese Souvenir Jacket 3RSJ-030 Ume and Bird Men s Sukajan
Gender : Men
Fit : Japanese size (It is smaller than american standard sizes)
This Jacket is trim fit for a stylish silhouette that giving it a more clean and dapper appearance.
Outer shell : 100% rayon satin, No stretch fabric
Lining shell : 100% polyester satin, No stretch fabric
Type of insulation : No fill, Casual Lightweight Outerwear, suitable for spring and fall seasons
Placket type : Zipper closure
Storage : The front and reverse sides have curved welted pockets at the waist
Style : Casual / japanese souvenir jacket / sukajan style
Pattern Type : Embroidery
Sleeve Style : Contrast raglan sleeves
Sleeve Length : Long
Made in China.
New with tags: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item.
The model is wearing size 40(Medium). Height:5feet 9inch(1.75m), weight:134pound(61kg)
*All measurements are taken with the garment flat on the ground.
*Sleeve length is taken from the center back of the neck.
*Please understand that measurements may vary somewhat.
*Note that actual color may be slightly different from one in the photo.
*Please refer to size chart for sizing.
Japanesque is a label spun-off from casualwear brand Switch Planning (Script Hanatabi Gakudan) in Japan, and its focus is on the Japanese embroidered souvenir jackets and other items with traditional Japanese motifs.
Featuring traditional Japanese patterns and designs, the lineup includes pieces in Japanese sizes and silhouettes, with the materials and details retooled for today s taste.
These are not just merely Japanese patterns, but pieces that have been enhanced with modern casual styles.
The item is produced to give added casual style for wear in urban settings and use in town. That match today s taste.
Here is one piece from the Japanesque brand : a reversible Japanese souvenir jacket (Casual Lightweight Outerwear, Satin Bomber Jacket) for Men.
The front side is embroidered, the reverse side is plain (solid).
This jacket is trim fit for a stylish silhouette that giving it a more clean and dapper appearance.
Outer shell is made of 100% light-weight rayon satin and lining shell is made of 100% light-weight polyester satin. Fabric has no stretch.
High weave density satin offers a unique flowing drape and sheen with a silky hand, with sophisticated wrinkles on the face of the fabric for the fashionable vintage feel and look.
Satin is a weave that has a glossy face and a soft, slippery texture.
It is smooth and sleek so you can take the jacket off and put it on easily.
The knit rib cuffs, collar and waistband are comfortable and flexible with a 88% cotton, 10% polyester and 2% polyurethane fabric.
There is no internal batting, so the jacket is not bulky or puffy. It wears clean and close to the body.
And this light piece of outerwear can be worn year-round, especially in spring and fall.
Front zip closure
The front zipper moves smoothly, and won t get stuck, with rounded edges to protect the fabric. The zipper is a special-order piece from YKK.
The front and reverse sides have curved welted pockets reinforced with triangular gusseted stitches.
Pattern type is embroidery.
The front side is embroidered, the reverse side is plain (solid).
Embroidery is created like hand work for a vintage-like effect.
Designed in the motif of the Ume (japanese plum tree) and nightingale bird.
*This item has been specially treated to produce a vintage-like effect. Note that this may cause some of the threads in the base material and embroidery to appear loose or split in parts. Note that this is entirely consistent with the vintage effect and is intentional.
*Note that the material used in this product is extremely delicate. The material is susceptible to damage from friction and wear, and its color may wear or fade in the sun. Note that the embroidered accent is extremely delicate, so avoid striking it against surfaces. Tumble drying should be avoided, as it can cause the garment to lose shape, fray, or shrink.
Japanese souvenir jacket(Sukajan) History
Souvenir jackets or more famously know as Sukajan (suka referring to the US navy base in Yokosuka Japan and Jan meaning jacket)
The souvenir jacket (commonly known as the sukajyan (Skajang/Skajan) in japan) originated duringthe early days of post World War II. The jackets featured a variety of oriental designs(eagle・tiger・dragon) and/or the servicemen s very own designs of their unit or base name,etc. Later, souvenir jackets became commercialized and sold through Post Exchanges (PX;commissaries within the US army bases) throughout Japan.
japanesque-rodeo-japan script-rodeo-japan zyakeltuto-rodeo-japan suubenia-rodeo-japan
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