78% Nylon, 14% Spandex, 8% Polypropylene United States of America (the) Hand wash separately in cold water. Do not bleach. Drip dry. Do not iron. Our fashion tights with control top provide modern styling and all-day comfort for a look that's right for any occasion Pair our fashion tights with a dress or a skirt, perfect for a long day at the office and drinks with your friends after Confidence comes easy with a control top for slimming support and a seamed toe for added durability Tights feature a seamed toe for added durability whether you sit behind a desk or work on your feet Playful and fun holiday pattern
━ カタログ(英語)より抜粋 ━
78% Nylon, 14% Spandex, 8% Polypropylene
United States of America (the)
Hand wash separately in cold water. Do not bleach. Drip dry. Do not iron.
Our fashion tights with control top provide modern styling and all-day comfort for a look that's right for any occasion
Pair our fashion tights with a dress or a skirt, perfect for a long day at the office and drinks with your friends after
Confidence comes easy with a control top for slimming support and a seamed toe for added durability
Tights feature a seamed toe for added durability whether you sit behind a desk or work on your feet
Playful and fun holiday pattern
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