今週人気No.1オーパス ワン 1990 コルク沈み オーパスワン オーパス・ワン Opus One アメリカ カリフォルニア 赤ワイン|KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
オーパス ワン Opus One
パーカーポイント: 93点 予想される飲み頃:1993 - 2011 This is a terrific Opus, with a broader, deeper palate and less of the overly-sculptured, structured feel that past examples have revealed. The 1990 exhibits a dark ruby/purple color, and a spicy, rich, sweet nose of cassis, vanillin, lead pencil, herbs, and minerals. Medium to full-bodied, with low acidity, sweet tannin, and wonderful layers of ripe, pure, rich fruit, the wine is in complete harmony, without being excessively acidified or brutally tannic. This is a gorgeous Opus for drinking over the next 16-18 years. My instincts suggest it is the most promising Opus One made to date. (89, The Wine Advocate 26th Oct 1993)
Opus One
予想される飲み頃:1993 - 2011
This is a terrific Opus, with a broader, deeper palate and less of the overly-sculptured, structured feel that past examples have revealed. The 1990 exhibits a dark ruby/purple color, and a spicy, rich, sweet nose of cassis, vanillin, lead pencil, herbs, and minerals. Medium to full-bodied, with low acidity, sweet tannin, and wonderful layers of ripe, pure, rich fruit, the wine is in complete harmony, without being excessively acidified or brutally tannic. This is a gorgeous Opus for drinking over the next 16-18 years. My instincts suggest it is the most promising Opus One made to date.
(89, The Wine Advocate 26th Oct 1993)
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