ナイキ NIKE ズーム MENS メンズ ZOOM JA FLY 3 トラック競技 陸上 アウトドア スポーツ (黒色 ブラック/白色 ホワイト/藍色・インディゴ Fog)
黒色 ブラック/白色 ホワイト/藍色・インディゴ Fog
Blast Off With the ZoomIf you're trying to increase your take-off during sprints the Nike Men's Zoom JA Fly 3 will not only boost your speed but also your look. You'll stride down the track with unrivaled style.Ultra Sleek Performance for LessWith lightweight spikes breathable woven construction and a sturdy sole the Zoom JA Fly 3 is a sprinter's performance shoe that gets you race-ready. As the spikes dig into the track the Phylon midsole cushions you and the Pebax plates provide support. A seamless toe-cap gives every step power and an asymmetrical tongue wraps around your foot for a tight secure feel. These performance-focused features come into play to keep your mind on your race and off your feet all the way across the finish line.Nike Men's Zoom JA Fly 3 features:• Woven upper construction creates a fit that's flexible and breathable.• Asymmetrical tongue eliminates irritation by wrapping around the foot.• The heel sits low to reduce pressure on the Achilles tendon.• Low-profile Phylon™ midsole wedge keeps the foot cushioned and creates a smooth transition from heel to toe.• Eight-spike Pebax® plate has both stiff and flexible areas.• Includes a set of 1/4” pyramid spikes and a wrench for adjusting.• Wt. 6.6 oz.
ナイキ NIKE ズーム MENS メンズ ZOOM JA FLY 3 アウトドア 陸上 スポーツ トラック競技 (black 黒・ブラック/白・ホワイト/藍色・インディゴ Fog/Anthracite)
【10周年記念祭】 スニーカーケースは海外取寄の専門店として10年目に入りました!完売サイズについてもタイムラグなどで表示されていない場合もございます。
ナイキ NIKE ズーム MENS メンズ ZOOM JA FLY 3 トラック競技 陸上 アウトドア スポーツ (黒色 ブラック/白色 ホワイト/藍色・インディゴ Fog)
黒色 ブラック/白色 ホワイト/藍色・インディゴ Fog
Blast Off With the ZoomIf you're trying to increase your take-off during sprints the Nike Men's Zoom JA Fly 3 will not only boost your speed but also your look. You'll stride down the track with unrivaled style.Ultra Sleek Performance for LessWith lightweight spikes breathable woven construction and a sturdy sole the Zoom JA Fly 3 is a sprinter's performance shoe that gets you race-ready. As the spikes dig into the track the Phylon midsole cushions you and the Pebax plates provide support. A seamless toe-cap gives every step power and an asymmetrical tongue wraps around your foot for a tight secure feel. These performance-focused features come into play to keep your mind on your race and off your feet all the way across the finish line.Nike Men's Zoom JA Fly 3 features:• Woven upper construction creates a fit that's flexible and breathable.• Asymmetrical tongue eliminates irritation by wrapping around the foot.• The heel sits low to reduce pressure on the Achilles tendon.• Low-profile Phylon™ midsole wedge keeps the foot cushioned and creates a smooth transition from heel to toe.• Eight-spike Pebax® plate has both stiff and flexible areas.• Includes a set of 1/4” pyramid spikes and a wrench for adjusting.• Wt. 6.6 oz.
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