These women's Nike High-Waisted Futura Logo Leggings have a high-waisted fit and a seamless sleek finish. Jersey fabric is soft and comfortable. High-waisted design creates a flattering fit. Seamless sides for a clean finish. Nike corporate logo screen printed on left calf. Elastic waistband stretches for comfort. 57% cotton/32% polyester/11% spandex. Imported.
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olive オリーブ Canvas/白・ホワイト
These women's Nike High-Waisted Futura Logo Leggings have a high-waisted fit and a seamless sleek finish. Jersey fabric is soft and comfortable. High-waisted design creates a flattering fit. Seamless sides for a clean finish. Nike corporate logo screen printed on left calf. Elastic waistband stretches for comfort. 57% cotton/32% polyester/11% spandex. Imported.
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