【新作到着!!】Bourgogne Coche-Dury 1995 / ブルゴーニュ コシュ デュリ 1995|Fine and Rare
Bourgogne Coche-Dury 1995 / ブルゴーニュ コシュ デュリ 1995
The first thing you see from a distance of the Cortons hill is the wood that overlooks it, The trees that grow on the limestone have created over time small pebbles that have slipped down the slope, to mix with a cream beige marl. This very calcareous universe, ideal for Chardonnay descends on the bottom of the hillside between Aloxe-Corton and Pernand-Vergelesses, sector history of Corton-Charlemagne. Pale gold and decorated with green reflections, Corton-Charlemagne becomes more yellow when ripe with amber shades, its bouquet of baked apple, citrus, pineapple, linden, fern, juniper, cinnamon and flint. Varieties: Chardonnay Wine Score : 90/100 75cl
Bourgogne Coche-Dury 1995 / ブルゴーニュ コシュ デュリ 1995
The first thing you see from a distance of the Cortons hill is the wood that overlooks it, The trees that grow on the limestone have created over time small pebbles that have slipped down the slope, to mix with a cream beige marl.
This very calcareous universe, ideal for Chardonnay descends on the bottom of the hillside between Aloxe-Corton and Pernand-Vergelesses, sector history of Corton-Charlemagne.
Pale gold and decorated with green reflections, Corton-Charlemagne becomes more yellow when ripe with amber shades, its bouquet of baked apple, citrus, pineapple, linden, fern, juniper, cinnamon and flint.
Varieties: Chardonnay
Wine Score : 90/100
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