人気No.1SONY 3D対応ヘッドマウントディスプレイ “Personal 3D Viewer” HMZ-T2|plowsショップ 店
・ HMZ-T2 ・Sony HMZ-T2 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D商品の説明 Truly immersive 2D and 3D1 movies and gaming;Virtual 51 Headphones for surround sound;The equivalent of a personal 150 inch movie screen;Dual HD OLED Displays for outstanding image quality;Adjustable for comfort for virtually all head shapes and sizes ご注意(免責)必ずお読みください 併売品の為品切れとなる可能性がございます。あらかじめご了承くださいませ。
・Sony HMZ-T2 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D商品の説明 Truly immersive 2D and 3D1 movies and gaming;Virtual 51 Headphones for surround sound;The equivalent of a personal 150 inch movie screen;Dual HD OLED Displays for outstanding image quality;Adjustable for comfort for virtually all head shapes and sizes ご注意(免責)必ずお読みください 併売品の為品切れとなる可能性がございます。あらかじめご了承くださいませ。