お気に入りBlackbird Racing ブラックバードレーシング ダブルグリップ 3 シートカバー ブラック/ブルー ヤマハ WR 250 F WR 250 F WR 450 F WR 450 F YZ 250 F YZ 250 F YZ 450 F:ウェビック 店
■商品概要 【メーカー品番】1236H カラー:ブルー■詳細説明 Double Grip 3 seat cover result of collaboration between Blackbird and MX Teams. It is composed of two different non-slip coatings, one covering the top of the saddle and the other, on the sides. This combination provides better grip and comfort to the rider.With a new anti-slip section, the hallmarks of the Double Grip 3 seat cover are the innovative high-frequency welded traction strip system and the ultraresistant, excellent-grip materials. The raised strips have been specifically studied to allows riders to shift their weight directly onto the back wheel. Maximum traction Excellent shock resistance both in the center and at the sides of the seat Finally, the two colors and the micro-injection patch give the seat cover a racing look to complement its leading-edge technical features.■注意点 ※輸入品のため、説明書が付属する場合、外国語の説明書となります。 ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。■適合車種 WR 250 F WR 250 F 年式: 07 備考: (CG26) WR 250 F 年式: 08-14 備考: (CG30) WR 450 F WR 450 F 年式: 07 備考: (CJ12) WR 450 F 年式: 08-11 備考: (CJ13) YZ 250 F YZ 250 F 年式: 06 備考: (CG25) ...■商品番号 1054218
Double Grip 3 seat cover result of collaboration between Blackbird and MX Teams. It is composed of two different non-slip coatings, one covering the top of the saddle and the other, on the sides. This combination provides better grip and comfort to the rider.With a new anti-slip section, the hallmarks of the Double Grip 3 seat cover are the innovative high-frequency welded traction strip system and the ultraresistant, excellent-grip materials. The raised strips have been specifically studied to allows riders to shift their weight directly onto the back wheel.
Maximum traction
Excellent shock resistance both in the center and at the sides of the seat
Finally, the two colors and the micro-injection patch give the seat cover a racing look to complement its leading-edge technical features.■注意点
WR 250 F
WR 250 F 年式: 07
備考: (CG26)
WR 250 F 年式: 08-14
備考: (CG30)
WR 450 F
WR 450 F 年式: 07
備考: (CJ12)
WR 450 F 年式: 08-11
備考: (CJ13)
YZ 250 F
YZ 250 F 年式: 06
備考: (CG25)
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