【Heaven&Earth社/ヘブンアンドアース】 "Beginning in 2012, humanity is entering a nine-year period of Grace, leading to Planetary Ascension in 2021. The 2021 Limited Edition Bracelets are designed to facilitate this process for those who wear them. The Azeztulite Awakening 2021 Bracelet contains Himalaya Gold Azeztulite, Himalaya Red Azeztulite, Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite, Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite, Satyaloka Rose Azeztulite, and White Azeztulite. It provides a wide spectrum of Azeztulite energies, facilitating conscious connection with the Angelic Ones known as the Azez and the Nameless Light they serve. It can be used to bring multiple rays of spiritual Light into the cells, triggering the activation of the Body of Light and the Merkaba Vehicle of Ascension. This combination of Azeztulites is also capable of awakening the twelve-strand DNA and bringing it into full manifestation. These bracelets stimulate to arising of the New Human Being––the being capable of personal ascension, and of joining to co-create full Planetary Ascension. They attune one to the awareness of Divine Mind and help one bring Light to the world."--Robert Simmons ------------------------------------------------ 素材:アゼツライト(ホワイト/ヒマラヤゴールド、レッド/サチャロカクリア、イエロー、ローズ) サイズ:約6mm ※ロバート・シモンズ氏のサインとシリアル番号が書かれたHeaven & Earth社発行の保証書が付属します。 ※天然石を使用しているため、写真と色合い・雰囲気が多少異なる場合があります。 また、凹みやクラックなどがある場合がございます。 関連キーワード【男性 メンズ Men's 女性 レディース Ladies ユニセックス ペア 装身具 アクセサリー 宝石 ジュエリー ブレスレット お守 魔除け 御 守 護 浄化 ヒーリング パワーストーン 風水 Heaven & Earth 社 H&E ヘブンアンドアース ロバートシモンズ氏 Azozeo アゾゼオ】【smtb-k】【w3】
"Beginning in 2012, humanity is entering a nine-year period of Grace, leading to Planetary Ascension in 2021.
The 2021 Limited Edition Bracelets are designed to facilitate this process for those who wear them.
The Azeztulite Awakening 2021 Bracelet contains Himalaya Gold Azeztulite, Himalaya Red Azeztulite, Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite, Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite, Satyaloka Rose Azeztulite, and White Azeztulite.
It provides a wide spectrum of Azeztulite energies, facilitating conscious connection with the Angelic Ones known as the Azez and the Nameless Light they serve.
It can be used to bring multiple rays of spiritual Light into the cells, triggering the activation of the Body of Light and the Merkaba Vehicle of Ascension.
This combination of Azeztulites is also capable of awakening the twelve-strand DNA and bringing it into full manifestation.
These bracelets stimulate to arising of the New Human Being––the being capable of personal ascension, and of joining to co-create full Planetary Ascension.
They attune one to the awareness of Divine Mind and help one bring Light to the world."--Robert Simmons
※ロバート・シモンズ氏のサインとシリアル番号が書かれたHeaven & Earth社発行の保証書が付属します。
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