Except for the 1966 and 1870 vintages of Lafite-Rothschild, these wines were poured on virgin territory on my palate. Isn't it ironic that the most disappointing wine (forgetting the spoiled 1875 Lafite-Rothschild, which had frightful levels of volatile acidity) was the youngest wine, the 1966 Lafite. With a light to medium ruby/garnet color, this wine exhibited a classy, weedy, herbal, Cabernet-dominated nose, soft, washed-out flavors, and little body and length. It is also beginning to dry out. I suppose if one were to taste a 30-year old Cabernet from Monterey County, California, it might reveal similar characteristics. The 1966 Lafite-Rothschild has consistently been a major disappointment from what is an irregular, but very good vintage. (103, The Wine Advocate 23rd Feb 1996)
シャトー レオヴィル ラスカーズ 2007 メドック グラン クリュ クラッセ 格付第二級 AOCサンジュリアン フルボディ 赤ワインChateau Leoville Las Cases 2007 AOC Saint-Julien Grand Cru Classe du Medoc en 1855|愛あるしんちゃんショップ
▶ シャトー・ラフィット・ロートシルト マグナム
▶ カリュアド・ド・ラフィット・ロートシルト
▶ シャトー・ムートン・ロートシルト
▶ シャトー・マルゴー
▶ シャトー・オー・ブリオン
Chateau Lafite Rothschild
Chateau Lafite Rothschild
Except for the 1966 and 1870 vintages of Lafite-Rothschild, these wines were poured on virgin territory on my palate. Isn't it ironic that the most disappointing wine (forgetting the spoiled 1875 Lafite-Rothschild, which had frightful levels of volatile acidity) was the youngest wine, the 1966 Lafite. With a light to medium ruby/garnet color, this wine exhibited a classy, weedy, herbal, Cabernet-dominated nose, soft, washed-out flavors, and little body and length. It is also beginning to dry out. I suppose if one were to taste a 30-year old Cabernet from Monterey County, California, it might reveal similar characteristics. The 1966 Lafite-Rothschild has consistently been a major disappointment from what is an irregular, but very good vintage.
(103, The Wine Advocate 23rd Feb 1996)
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シャトー レオヴィル ラスカーズ 2007 メドック グラン クリュ クラッセ 格付第二級 AOCサンジュリアン フルボディ 赤ワインChateau Leoville Las Cases 2007 AOC Saint-Julien Grand Cru Classe du Medoc en 1855|愛あるしんちゃんショップ
[12本まとめ買い] フォン・ウィニング シュペートブルグンダー フリードリッヒ 1849 2017年 フォン・ウィニング ドイツ 赤ワイン ミディアムボディ ドイツワイン ファルツ ドイツ赤ワイン シュペートブルグンダー 750ml|Narlu
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