大人気新作通販AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店

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Increase your carrying capacity and versatility with AltRider’s Pillion Rack for the water cooled BMW R 1200 GS. This clever rack mounts using the keyed latch of the pillion seat - no hardware, brackets or tools required. AltRider currently offers the only pillion rack on the market, due to the engineering challenges caused by the new seat moving forward and rearward.
The rack is manufactured from 3/16 (4.76 mm) laser-cut aluminum, and all cutouts are CNC-routered to produce a refined finish with no sharp edges to cut straps. The cutouts are strategically placed to provide a multitude of tie-down points while maintaining the strength of the rack. See more about how AltRider luggage racks are developed on the blog post Hooked: How We Developed Our Luggage Racks. Available in anodized silver or black finish.
If you own both the Pillion Rack and the Rear Rack, you have the option of an alternate configuration which allows simultaneous mounting of the Pillion Rack, factory upper plastic rack with grab handles, and Rear Rack in upper position (bolted to the factory rack). Note that hardware from the Rear Rack kit is necessary to use the Pillion Rack with factory plastic rack.
While each AltRider luggage options are available separately, get the most out of your adventure bike with AltRider’s Luggage System for the liquid cooled R 1200 GS. The pillion rack combines with the AltRider Rear Luggage Rack to create over 3 square feet (.29 square meters) of completely smooth luggage surface.
Not compatible with BMW Vario side cases. Compatible with R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position (requires removal of OEM steel top box rack -- compatible with steel pannier racks).
・Mounts using pillion seat keyed latch - no hardware or tools required
・3/16 (4.76 mm) laser-cut aluminum
・Part of the AltRider Luggage System for the R 1200 GS WC
・Length: 14.4 (36.6 cm)
・Width: 12.4 (31.5 cm)
・Weight: 3 lbs (1.4 kg)
・Available in anodized silver or black
Reviews speak volumes: check out a detailed review from one of our customers on advrider.■注意点
R 1200 GS Water Cooled
R 1200 GS Water Cooled
R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position
R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position ■商品番号
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
AltRider アルトライダー Pillion Luggage Rack R 1200 GS Water Cooled R1200GSW Adventure with Rear Luggage Rack mounted in lower position BMW BMW BMW BMW:ウェビック 店
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