This production of "The Rake's Progress" marks Barbara Hannigan's debut as an opera conductor and is a "labor of love" for her. Hannigan, who has sung the role of Anne Truelove many times, hand-picked the cast of soloists from over 350 applications from 39 countries, and subsequent auditions throughout Europe, as part of her mentoring initiative "Equilibrium." In this unique and refined semi-staged production, director Linus Fellbom invites the audience to partake on a journey through space and time, from a distant future to the present, and back to 18th century London. The documentary "Taking Risks" follows all aspects of the production, starting with the very first auditions, the casting and rehearsal process, and culminating in the premiere in Gothenburg in December 2018.こちらのDVDは輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。 リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーはこちらでご案内しております。 種別:DIGITAL VIDEO DISC ジャンル:Classical Artists 発売日:2020/5/15 ディスク枚数:2 コメント:This production of "The Rake's Progress" marks Barbara Hannigan's debut as an opera conductor and is a "labor of love" for her. Hannigan, who has sung the role of Anne Truelove many times, hand-picked the cast of soloists from over 350 applications from 39 countries, and subsequent auditions throughout Europe, as part of her mentoring initiative "Equilibrium." In this unique and refined semi-staged production, director Linus Fellbom invites the audience to partake on a journey through space and time, from a distant future to the present, and back to 18th century London. The documentary "Taking Risks" follows all aspects of the production, starting with the very first auditions, the casting and rehearsal process, and culminating in the premiere in Gothenburg in December 2018.
熊川哲也 ロミオとジュリエット 【DVD】|ハピネット・オンライン
小澤征爾/小澤征爾 on DVD BOX|イーベストCD・DVD館
【送料無料】[枚数限定][限定]モーツァルト:ピアノ協奏曲第25番&第27番[2LP]【アナログ盤】【輸入盤】▼/フリードリヒ・グルダ[ETC]【返品種別A】|Joshin web CD/DVD店
ジャンル:Classical Artists
コメント:This production of "The Rake's Progress" marks Barbara Hannigan's debut as an opera conductor and is a "labor of love" for her. Hannigan, who has sung the role of Anne Truelove many times, hand-picked the cast of soloists from over 350 applications from 39 countries, and subsequent auditions throughout Europe, as part of her mentoring initiative "Equilibrium." In this unique and refined semi-staged production, director Linus Fellbom invites the audience to partake on a journey through space and time, from a distant future to the present, and back to 18th century London. The documentary "Taking Risks" follows all aspects of the production, starting with the very first auditions, the casting and rehearsal process, and culminating in the premiere in Gothenburg in December 2018.
熊川哲也 ロミオとジュリエット 【DVD】|ハピネット・オンライン
小澤征爾/小澤征爾 on DVD BOX|イーベストCD・DVD館
【送料無料】[枚数限定][限定]モーツァルト:ピアノ協奏曲第25番&第27番[2LP]【アナログ盤】【輸入盤】▼/フリードリヒ・グルダ[ETC]【返品種別A】|Joshin web CD/DVD店
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Bach, Johann Sebastian バッハ / マタイ受難曲、ミサ曲ロ短調、ドキュメンタリー『ライプツィヒ聖トーマス教会少年合唱団の1年』 ゲオルグ・クリストフ・ビラー、他(3BD) 【BLU-RAY DISC】|HMV&BOOKS online 1号店
【ブルーレイ】ヴェルディ:歌劇≪椿姫≫ アンナ・ネトレプコ(S、ヴィオレッタ・ヴァレリー)|ドラマ本とゲームの新品中古専門店
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