名札ケースは高級感のあるレザー調。2ポケットタイプ。安全パーツ・長さ調整具。上から出し入れ●吊り下げ名札●ソフト●パスケースタイプ●色:黄●中紙:縦55x横90mm●ひもの長さ:約90cm●ひもの幅:約10mm●材質:ケース=PVC、ひも=PET●仕様:安全パーツ・長さ調整具付、フック式●中紙なし●適合中紙寸法:縦55×横90mm●外寸:縦80×横103mm The name card case is like high-quality leather. 2 pocket types. A tool for safe parts, length adjustment. It is putting in and out ●hanging name card ●software ●pass case type ●color from the top: Paper out of yellow ●: The length of the vertical 55x 90mm in width ●string: The width of approximately 90cm ●string: Approximately 10mm ●materials: Case \u003d PVC, string \u003d PET ●specifications: It is a paper dimension during ●conformity that it is with a tool for safe parts, length adjustment, and there is no paper out of hook-type ●in: 55* vertical 90mm in width ●outside size: 80* vertical 103mm in width
The name card case is like high-quality leather. 2 pocket types. A tool for safe parts, length adjustment. It is putting in and out ●hanging name card ●software ●pass case type ●color from the top: Paper out of yellow ●: The length of the vertical 55x 90mm in width ●string: The width of approximately 90cm ●string: Approximately 10mm ●materials: Case \u003d PVC, string \u003d PET ●specifications: It is a paper dimension during ●conformity that it is with a tool for safe parts, length adjustment, and there is no paper out of hook-type ●in: 55* vertical 90mm in width ●outside size: 80* vertical 103mm in width
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