上等なGiannelli ジェネリ EXHAUST SPECIAL 50 Vespa ベスパ:ウェビック 店
■商品概要 Sound Approval:NO■詳細説明 Since 1972,Giannelli is an Italian company dedicated to the design,development and construction of exhaust systems for scooters,roadbikes and off-road vehicles. Their activity was born from the combination of experiences gained in motor racing combined with technical expertise and innovative spirit. Giannelli manufactures exhausts with high quality materials such as:Aluminum,Titanium,Carbon and Nichrom. Thanks to the Giannelli exhaust you can revolutionize the line of your bike by making it sporty but at the same time more elegant,improving the performance of the bike. You will get the kit complete with everything you need to ensure proper assembly.■注意点 ※THIS PRODUCT REFERS TO THE EXHAUST (BIKE NOT INCLUDED) ※取扱説明書が付属する場合は、英語となります。 ※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。■適合車種 SPECIAL 50 SPECIAL 50 ■商品番号 30053
Sound Approval:NO■詳細説明
Since 1972,Giannelli is an Italian company dedicated to the design,development and construction of exhaust systems for scooters,roadbikes and off-road vehicles.
Their activity was born from the combination of experiences gained in motor racing combined with technical expertise and innovative spirit.
Giannelli manufactures exhausts with high quality materials such as:Aluminum,Titanium,Carbon and Nichrom.
Thanks to the Giannelli exhaust you can revolutionize the line of your bike by making it sporty but at the same time more elegant,improving the performance of the bike.
You will get the kit complete with everything you need to ensure proper assembly.■注意点
SPECIAL 50 ■商品番号
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