パーカーポイント: 100点 予想される飲み頃:2021 - 2055 Disgorged in January 2019 with six grams per liter dosage, Salon's 2008 Brut Blanc de Blancs Le Mesnil is a striking wine, unwinding in the glass with scents of citrus oil, fresh bread, crisp green apple, white flowers, smoke and oyster shell. Full-bodied, layered and incisive, it's deep and concentrated, with a tightly coiled core of fruit that's underpinned by a racy spine of acidity. Seamless and unerringly precise, it concludes with a long and penetratingly mineral finish. Immense though its potential for aging is, its intensity and balance make it pleasurable as well as persuasive, even today. Given the eye-watering price of this magnum-only release, I was determined to hold the wine to the highest possible standards, but it surpasses even the prodigious 1996 and surely ranks as the finest Salon since at least the 1970s. In short, this is a Blanc de Blancs that admits no argument. (nd of March 2021, The Wine Advocate, 1st Apr 2021)
Blanc de Blancs
予想される飲み頃:2021 - 2055
Disgorged in January 2019 with six grams per liter dosage, Salon's 2008 Brut Blanc de Blancs Le Mesnil is a striking wine, unwinding in the glass with scents of citrus oil, fresh bread, crisp green apple, white flowers, smoke and oyster shell. Full-bodied, layered and incisive, it's deep and concentrated, with a tightly coiled core of fruit that's underpinned by a racy spine of acidity. Seamless and unerringly precise, it concludes with a long and penetratingly mineral finish. Immense though its potential for aging is, its intensity and balance make it pleasurable as well as persuasive, even today. Given the eye-watering price of this magnum-only release, I was determined to hold the wine to the highest possible standards, but it surpasses even the prodigious 1996 and surely ranks as the finest Salon since at least the 1970s. In short, this is a Blanc de Blancs that admits no argument.
(nd of March 2021, The Wine Advocate, 1st Apr 2021)
歴史が刻まれたシャンパーニュ、サロン。1910年代、ユジェーヌ=エメ・サロンが目指したシャンパーニュは、メニル=シュール=オジェというひとつの偉大なテロワールで収穫された、シャルドネのみ使用のヴィンテージワインでした。まさに唯一無二という特徴のもと、繊細で複雑な世界最高のシャンパーニュを夢見たのです。 20世紀を通じて製造されたミレジム数がわずか37という、ワインの世界にとって異例の製造記録を残しています。
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