新しい季節【取寄】Kirstie Alley's Big Life DVD 【輸入盤】|WORLD DISC PLACE
【取寄】Kirstie Alley's Big Life DVD 【輸入盤】◆タイトル: Kirstie Alley's Big Life ◆現地発売日: 2021/08/12 ◆レーベル: A&E □「取寄」について詳しくはこちら□ ◆その他スペック: オンデマンド生産盤* *フォーマットは基本的にCD-R等のR盤となります。
◆収録時間: 263分 ※商品画像はイメージです。デザインの変更・確定前やイメージ画像となっている場合があります。 ※注文後30分間は注文履歴からキャンセルが可能です。当店で注文を確認した後は原則キャンセル不可となります。予めご了承ください。 From the super-stoic Vulcan Lt. Saavik in Star Trek II, to the super-sexy and neurotic barkeeper Rebecca Howe on Cheers, to her real-life role as an overweight and aging actress trying to revive her Hollywood career, Kirstie Alley has been through it all. With unprecedented access into Kirstie's world, A&E follows the triumphs and tribulations of the actress, author, inventor, and mother as she navigates constant media scrutiny, an ongoing battle with weight loss, single parenthood, the reinvention of her career and a return to the dating scene. From the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles to the peaceful seclusion of her home in Wichita, Kansas, Kirstie Alley's Big Life provides an unabashed look into Kirstie's world as the five-foot-eight firecracker sets out to lose 90 pounds - all while producing a feature film, patenting multiple inventions, launching a weight-loss program and raising her two teenage children: Lillie, who dreams of becoming a designer, and True, an aspiring musician. With the help of her family and friends, including a sassy live-in assistant, a recruited chubby-buddy, and a host of fellow celebrities, Kirstie is ready to reclaim her life. Will she get the last laugh?
【取寄】Kirstie Alley's Big Life DVD 【輸入盤】◆タイトル: Kirstie Alley's Big Life
- 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて
- ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
◆現地発売日: 2021/08/12
◆レーベル: A&E
◆収録時間: 263分
From the super-stoic Vulcan Lt. Saavik in Star Trek II, to the super-sexy and neurotic barkeeper Rebecca Howe on Cheers, to her real-life role as an overweight and aging actress trying to revive her Hollywood career, Kirstie Alley has been through it all. With unprecedented access into Kirstie's world, A&E follows the triumphs and tribulations of the actress, author, inventor, and mother as she navigates constant media scrutiny, an ongoing battle with weight loss, single parenthood, the reinvention of her career and a return to the dating scene. From the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles to the peaceful seclusion of her home in Wichita, Kansas, Kirstie Alley's Big Life provides an unabashed look into Kirstie's world as the five-foot-eight firecracker sets out to lose 90 pounds - all while producing a feature film, patenting multiple inventions, launching a weight-loss program and raising her two teenage children: Lillie, who dreams of becoming a designer, and True, an aspiring musician. With the help of her family and friends, including a sassy live-in assistant, a recruited chubby-buddy, and a host of fellow celebrities, Kirstie is ready to reclaim her life. Will she get the last laugh?
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