A peony and lion pattern is drawn inside the frame of the Roukaku landscape pattern. This platter has a beautiful contrast between the shades of indigo, vermilion, and gold.
``Roukaku'' in ``Roukaku Sansui'' refers to a tall building. With the building at the center, the painting depicts a hazy mountain in the distance, a hill nearby to create a long-distance view, and a pattern depicting the scenery of lush trees, flowing rivers, bridges, etc.
The lion pattern is said to be a lion pattern, and is said to have the meaning of warding off evil spirits. Also, because it is said to be the king of beasts, its dignified appearance was a favorite pattern during the era when samurai ruled. Peonies are said to be the king of hundreds of flowers. They are all number one in the world in their respective fields. Therefore, the combination of these two people is used as a metaphor for a good combination.
Even the lion, known as the king of beasts, has natural enemies called parasites living inside its body. It was said that the morning dew left on peony flowers would kill pests, and that even lions could sleep peacefully under peony flowers. It is said that this combination was created for this reason. The only place the ferocious lion can rest in peace is under the peonies. For this reason, it is speculated that it also had the meaning of peace.
Even during the Edo period, when the world was more stable than the Sengoku period, not only samurai but also common people felt a sense of crisis, not knowing when their lives would end. This is a piece where you can feel the heart of the craftsman who loved this pattern, or the customer who commissioned it.
It may be displayed as a picture plate. Of course, you can still use it as a serving plate for cooking.
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原産国 /Country of origin
時 代/Period
江戸時代幕末 1780年~1867年
口径40.0×高さ5.0cm 15.7×height 1.9in
素材 材質
磁器 porcelain
状 態/Quality condition
中古 -良- 経年による擦れ等ありますが良いです。 - good condition - There are threads due to aging.
こちらの商品は実店舗でも販売しております関係上、ご購入のタイミングによっては品切れが発生する場合もございます。 大変恐れ入りますが、その場合はキャンセル対応をさせていただきますこと、予めご了承ください。 We take the utmost care in photographing the products, but depending on the monitor environment at the time of viewing, the colors may appear slightly different from the actual products. In addition, although we handle items in the best possible condition, due to the nature of antiques, there may be some stains, fading, scratches, etc. Please be aware of this before purchasing. Because this product is also sold in physical stores, it may run out of stock depending on the timing of your purchase. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please note that in that case we will cancel the reservation.
→ 他の大皿はこちら
A peony and lion pattern is drawn inside the frame of the Roukaku landscape pattern.
This platter has a beautiful contrast between the shades of indigo, vermilion, and gold.
``Roukaku'' in ``Roukaku Sansui'' refers to a tall building.
With the building at the center, the painting depicts a hazy mountain in the distance, a hill nearby to create a long-distance view, and a pattern depicting the scenery of lush trees, flowing rivers, bridges, etc.
The lion pattern is said to be a lion pattern, and is said to have the meaning of warding off evil spirits.
Also, because it is said to be the king of beasts, its dignified appearance was a favorite pattern during the era when samurai ruled.
Peonies are said to be the king of hundreds of flowers.
They are all number one in the world in their respective fields.
Therefore, the combination of these two people is used as a metaphor for a good combination.
Even the lion, known as the king of beasts, has natural enemies called parasites living inside its body.
It was said that the morning dew left on peony flowers would kill pests, and that even lions could sleep peacefully under peony flowers.
It is said that this combination was created for this reason.
The only place the ferocious lion can rest in peace is under the peonies.
For this reason, it is speculated that it also had the meaning of peace.
Even during the Edo period, when the world was more stable than the Sengoku period, not only samurai but also common people felt a sense of crisis, not knowing when their lives would end.
This is a piece where you can feel the heart of the craftsman who loved this pattern, or the customer who commissioned it.
It may be displayed as a picture plate.
Of course, you can still use it as a serving plate for cooking.
→ Click here for other platters
15.7×height 1.9in
- good condition -
There are threads due to aging.
We take the utmost care in photographing the products, but depending on the monitor environment at the time of viewing, the colors may appear slightly different from the actual products.
In addition, although we handle items in the best possible condition, due to the nature of antiques, there may be some stains, fading, scratches, etc. Please be aware of this before purchasing.
Because this product is also sold in physical stores, it may run out of stock depending on the timing of your purchase.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please note that in that case we will cancel the reservation.
ヒッツキ フリモノ
非常に目立つヒッツキ 釉はげ 模様の薄れ
ニュウ(ヒビ) カケ 金継ぎ 共直し
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骨董○九谷染錦美人文水注○ | 明治時代-19世紀頃 | 無傷 | 九谷焼 | 磁器 | 花見遊覧図 | 【古美術】【骨董】【中古】【送料無料】【三浦古美術WEB】2307|三浦古美術WEB