The 2012 Corton-Charlemagne Grand Cru, which comes from the Pernand side of the famous hill, has a touch of toffee on the nose: quite voluptuous and generous at this stage. The palate is harmonious and soft, with a fine line of acidity and a gras finish. I suspect this will turn out to be a forward Corton-Charlemagne, generous from birth and wide in girth. (215, The Wine Advocate 31st Oct 2014)
Lucien le Moine
Corton Charlemagne
The 2012 Corton-Charlemagne Grand Cru, which comes from the Pernand side of the famous hill, has a touch of toffee on the nose: quite voluptuous and generous at this stage. The palate is harmonious and soft, with a fine line of acidity and a gras finish. I suspect this will turn out to be a forward Corton-Charlemagne, generous from birth and wide in girth.
(215, The Wine Advocate 31st Oct 2014)
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