2024最新商品サッシカイア 2014 正規品 Tenuta San Guido Sassicaia イタリア 赤ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
テヌータ・サン・グイド(サッシカイア) Tenuta San Guido(Sassicaia)
サッシカイア Sassicaia
パーカーポイント: 93点 予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2030
This is my official review of the 2014 Bolgheri Sassicaia after having been graciously invited to the estate for various barrel samples spanning back several years. I have watched the evolution of this wine with a close eye and am impressed by how its real quality is diametrically opposed to the poor expectations of this difficult vintage. The nose is redolent of bright fruit and blackberry. Spice, tar and leather appear subtly at the back. The wine took on considerable weight each year I came back to taste it and this vintage was bottled earlier than average, precisely to give it more time to unwind and relax in the small confines of the bottle. This is a solid effort for sure and the wine is a stunning example of what it takes to make great wine, even when weather conditions are not in your favor. (230, The Wine Advocate 28th Apr 2017)
Tenuta San Guido(Sassicaia)
予想される飲み頃:2018 - 2030
This is my official review of the 2014 Bolgheri Sassicaia after having been graciously invited to the estate for various barrel samples spanning back several years. I have watched the evolution of this wine with a close eye and am impressed by how its real quality is diametrically opposed to the poor expectations of this difficult vintage. The nose is redolent of bright fruit and blackberry. Spice, tar and leather appear subtly at the back. The wine took on considerable weight each year I came back to taste it and this vintage was bottled earlier than average, precisely to give it more time to unwind and relax in the small confines of the bottle. This is a solid effort for sure and the wine is a stunning example of what it takes to make great wine, even when weather conditions are not in your favor.
(230, The Wine Advocate 28th Apr 2017)
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