かわいい!Chateau d'Yquem 2003 / シャトー ディケム 2003|Fine and Rare
Chateau d'Yquem 2003 / シャトー ディケム 2003
Bordeaux, until then property of the Dukes of Aquitaine, also Kings of England, passed into the royal domain under King Charles VII. during December 1593, Jacques Sauvage, a notable, becomes a tenant in Yquem and has the castle rebuilt there. The ch・・teau d`Yquem is a vineyard that is part of the Bordeaux vineyards and produces a sweet wine with the same name. Ch・・teau d`Yquem is the only Sauternes given the classification of premier cru sup・・rieur. It is considered the best sweet wine. The ch・・teau itself is a historic monument since 2003. Varieties: S・・millon, Sauvignon Blanc Wine Score : 95/100 37.5cl x 6
Chateau d'Yquem 2003 / シャトー ディケム 2003
Bordeaux, until then property of the Dukes of Aquitaine, also Kings of England, passed into the royal domain under King Charles VII. during December 1593, Jacques Sauvage, a notable, becomes a tenant in Yquem and has the castle rebuilt there.
5The ch・・teau d`Yquem is a vineyard that is part of the Bordeaux vineyards and produces a sweet wine with the same name. Ch・・teau d`Yquem is the only Sauternes given the classification of premier cru sup・・rieur. It is considered the best sweet wine. The ch・・teau itself is a historic monument since 2003.
Varieties: S・・millon, Sauvignon Blanc
Wine Score : 95/100
37.5cl x 6
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