【商品詳細】 ・ボックスの内容 Focus/Zoom Module, 15 mm Rod, 15 mm ロッドクランプ, 19 mm ロッドクランプ, レンズキャリブレーションチャート&スタンド, 1 x レンズギア, AC/DC Adapter ・大きさ (長さ x 幅 x 高さ) 4.72 x 2.16 x 1.22 インチ (120 x 55 x 31 mm) 実寸 (ロッドクランプとバッテリーは含まれていません) 0.57ポンド(261グラム)の実際の重量(ロッドクランプ、ロッド、バッテリーは含まれていません) ・Gear pitch Standard 0.8 mm pitch gear (all professional cinema lenses) ・Lens compatibility All lenses with the included edelkrone lens gear ring. Not compatible with servo lenses (focus by wire). ・Number of axes Single (Focus or Zoom) ・Motor type Brushless motor with ultra high-res encoder. ・Power input LP-E6 type battery (NOT included), AC/DC adapter (included) ・Compatibility HeadPLUS also works as a stand alone device (connects directly to edelkrone App) ・Materials CNC machined aluminum and stainless steel components. ・Compatible Lenses Hard-stop lenses: Mechanical focusing with a hard stop on the ends of focus limits. Focus wheel rotates for approximately 30 seconds, or until it reaches a hard stop. Infinity lenses: Mechanical focusing with no hard stops on the ends of focus limits. Focus wheel rotates infinitely without adjusting the lens elements. ・* Lens Controller only works with hard-stop lenses and infinity lenses. Doesn’t work with Servo / Focus by wire lenses. ※注意事項:モニター発色の具合により色が異なる場合がございます。 ※海外から商品の手配を行うため、流通過程において外箱にダメージ(傷・へこみ等)が生じる場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承のほどよろしくお願い致します。
Focus/Zoom Module, 15 mm Rod, 15 mm ロッドクランプ, 19 mm ロッドクランプ, レンズキャリブレーションチャート&スタンド, 1 x レンズギア, AC/DC Adapter
(長さ x 幅 x 高さ) 4.72 x 2.16 x 1.22 インチ (120 x 55 x 31 mm) 実寸 (ロッドクランプとバッテリーは含まれていません)
・Gear pitch
Standard 0.8 mm pitch gear (all professional cinema lenses)
・Lens compatibility
All lenses with the included edelkrone lens gear ring. Not compatible with servo lenses (focus by wire).
・Number of axes
Single (Focus or Zoom)
・Motor type
Brushless motor with ultra high-res encoder.
・Power input
LP-E6 type battery (NOT included), AC/DC adapter (included)
HeadPLUS also works as a stand alone device (connects directly to edelkrone App)
CNC machined aluminum and stainless steel components.
・Compatible Lenses
Hard-stop lenses: Mechanical focusing with a hard stop on the ends of focus limits. Focus wheel rotates for approximately 30 seconds, or until it reaches a hard stop.
Infinity lenses: Mechanical focusing with no hard stops on the ends of focus limits. Focus wheel rotates infinitely without adjusting the lens elements.
・* Lens Controller only works with hard-stop lenses and infinity lenses. Doesn’t work with Servo / Focus by wire lenses.
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