輸入盤ブルーレイですが日本のブルーレイ・プレイヤーで視聴できます。 ※ご確認ください※ 一部輸入版アニメブルーレイには、「リージョンコード」とは別の「国コード」というものが設定されている作品がございます。 お持ちのブルーレイ・プレイヤーが国コードをアメリカ等に変更できるかどうかご確認ください。(機種によりましては変更できない機種がございます。その場合はご視聴できない可能性がございますのでご注意ください。) 国コードをアメリカ(日本以外)に設定してご覧ください。 PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。 種別:BLU-RAY ジャンル:Classical Artists 発売日:2020/12/11 ディスク枚数:3 コメント:Recorded live at the Gwandhaus in 2018, this excellent program from the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig and their conductor Andris Nelsons features Tchaikovsky's Symphonies Nos. 4, 5, and 6, as well as works by Mozart, Mussorgsky, Shostakovich, and Weinberg, making for a thrilling and well-rounded programme. Andris Nelsons is Music Director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Gewandhauskapellmeister of the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig. These two positions, in addition to his leadership of a pioneering alliance between both institutions, have firmly established Grammy Award-winning Nelsons as one of the most renowned and innovative conductors on the international scene today. "Andris Nelsons conducted with concise focus and vigor and elicited the orchestra both tonal beauty and technical precision and visible enthusiasm." (THE BOSTON GLOBE)
PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
ジャンル:Classical Artists
コメント:Recorded live at the Gwandhaus in 2018, this excellent program from the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig and their conductor Andris Nelsons features Tchaikovsky's Symphonies Nos. 4, 5, and 6, as well as works by Mozart, Mussorgsky, Shostakovich, and Weinberg, making for a thrilling and well-rounded programme. Andris Nelsons is Music Director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Gewandhauskapellmeister of the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig. These two positions, in addition to his leadership of a pioneering alliance between both institutions, have firmly established Grammy Award-winning Nelsons as one of the most renowned and innovative conductors on the international scene today. "Andris Nelsons conducted with concise focus and vigor and elicited the orchestra both tonal beauty and technical precision and visible enthusiasm." (THE BOSTON GLOBE)
【輸入盤ブルーレイ】Tchaikovsky/Nelsons/Gewandhausorchester / Symphonies 4 5 & 6|あめりかん・ぱい
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Beethoven ベートーヴェン / ピアノ・ソナタ全集 ルドルフ・ブッフビンダー(2014年ザルツブルク・ライヴ)(3BD) 【BLU-RAY DISC】|HMV&BOOKS online 1号店