2024人気提案【送料無料】HPCシステムズ 99435-0 Ethernet-Connected Device Server DeviceMaster RTS 1-Port DB9【在庫目安:お取り寄せ】|デジタル百貨店PodPark店
Ethernet-Connected Device Server DeviceMaster RTS 1-Port DB9
DeviceMaster device servers provide real-time, programmable platforms for connecting up to 32 serial devices per unit andcommunicating via 10/100Base-T Ethernet connections. These products feature remote configuration and management, andenhanced reliability through an on-board Webserver, PortVisionR Plus management software, and a real-time clock/watchdog tomonitor processing activity and restart the DeviceMaster in the event of an application hang-up. Serial ports can be addressed asCOM/TTY ports with Comtrol s NS-Link? software (included) or as TCP/IP sockets, and serial connections can be made betweentwo units over Ethernet. The RTS family is RS-232/422/485 software-selectable, has an operating temperature range of -37° to74°C
Ethernet-Connected Device Server DeviceMaster RTS 1-Port DB9
DeviceMaster device servers provide real-time, programmable platforms for connecting up to 32 serial devices per unit andcommunicating via 10/100Base-T Ethernet connections. These products feature remote configuration and management, andenhanced reliability through an on-board Webserver, PortVisionR Plus management software, and a real-time clock/watchdog tomonitor processing activity and restart the DeviceMaster in the event of an application hang-up. Serial ports can be addressed asCOM/TTY ports with Comtrol s NS-Link? software (included) or as TCP/IP sockets, and serial connections can be made betweentwo units over Ethernet. The RTS family is RS-232/422/485 software-selectable, has an operating temperature range of -37° to74°C
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