●商品説明 Premium canvas substrate on hardboardEngraved brass nameplateCertificate of authenticity includedMade in the USA&text=Each exquisite piece in the Brushworks Collection is an elegantly crafted version of Thomas Kinkade's most beloved paintings. These hand textured pieces give the viewer the impression that they are viewing an original painting, with all its detailed brushwork and ornate beauty. Image Notes There is something supremely satisfying about a life that is self-contained, complete unto itself. Thoreau lived such a life on Walden Pond. I like to imagine living in just such splendid isolation in a setting of my own choice in a secluded A Peaceful Retreat. This simple cabin provides everything a man needs to sustain a rewarding life. The stream is pristine; I can drink its pure waters. It teems with fish; my boat lets me pursue the mountain trout when I choose. The woods abound with game. My cozy Adirondack chair invites me to relax and savor the refreshing mountain breeze. I've stacked firewood for the campfire that will warm the chill evening air. Above all, I am surrounded by beauty that feeds my spirit with endless reminders of God's grace. -Thomas Kinkade
Premium canvas substrate on hardboardEngraved brass nameplateCertificate of authenticity includedMade in the USA&text=Each exquisite piece in the Brushworks Collection is an elegantly crafted version of Thomas Kinkade's most beloved paintings. These hand textured pieces give the viewer the impression that they are viewing an original painting, with all its detailed brushwork and ornate beauty. Image Notes There is something supremely satisfying about a life that is self-contained, complete unto itself. Thoreau lived such a life on Walden Pond. I like to imagine living in just such splendid isolation in a setting of my own choice in a secluded A Peaceful Retreat. This simple cabin provides everything a man needs to sustain a rewarding life. The stream is pristine; I can drink its pure waters. It teems with fish; my boat lets me pursue the mountain trout when I choose. The woods abound with game. My cozy Adirondack chair invites me to relax and savor the refreshing mountain breeze. I've stacked firewood for the campfire that will warm the chill evening air. Above all, I am surrounded by beauty that feeds my spirit with endless reminders of God's grace. -Thomas Kinkade
ブラシワークス コレクションの精巧な作品は、トーマス・キンケイドの最も愛された絵画をエレガントに仕上げたものです。手作業で仕上げられたこれらの作品は、まるで原画を見ているかのような印象を与えてくれます。イメージノート 自己完結した完全な人生には、何か最高の満足感があります。ソローはウォルデン池でそのような生活を送っていました。私は、人里離れた「A Peaceful Retreat」という自分の好きな場所で、このような素晴らしい隔離された生活を想像してみたいと思います。このシンプルな小屋には、人が生き甲斐のある生活を維持するために必要なものがすべて揃っています。小川は手つかずの自然のままで、その澄んだ水を飲むことができます。魚がたくさんいて、ボートで山のマスを追いかけていくことができます。森には狩猟用の動物がたくさんいます。私の居心地の良いアディロンダックチェアでリラックスし、爽やかな山の風を味わうことができます。キャンプファイヤーのために薪を積み上げ、冷えた夜の空気を温める。何よりも、神の恵みを無限に思い出させてくれる美しさに囲まれています。-トーマス・キンケイド
・お届け時期: 2-4週間後
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