The picture books by Dr. Seuss will inspire young readers with new and interesting interests, which is the most important foundation for learning, working and living positively and optimistically.
To practice reading, it is very necessary for children to read through a series of stories by a publisher that is scientifically arranged from low to high level.
8 books for children from 5 years old to start reading. This can be considered as the most complete library of famous classic stories of Dr Seuss.
Hardcover book, thick 256 - 344 pages
There are 8 titles:
** Notes
Due to international transport, the books may have some scratches, dents, small scratches, stains, and crushing.
Ed Ruscha and Photography エド・ルシェ Steidl
Ola Rindal Notes On Ordinary Spaces
洋書 海外 外国語 絵本 16カ国 45冊 セット
The Panjandrum Picture Book コールデコットの絵本
The Good European
エヴァンゲリオン DVD
中世 装飾写本 フランス語 カリグラフィー 洋書 デザイン 歴史 美術 アート
Robinson Crusoe ロビンソン・クルーソー
LA SELLE HERMES エルメス 洋書 馬鞍 エルメス歴史
Porsche 911 (930) Carrera Service Manual
【美品】Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT
Interiors Atelier AM 大型本 洋書 インテリア デザイン
セバスチャン・サルガド 写真集 WORKERS