Donald Duck's wealthy uncle takes his money for a walk in this richly colorful work by Darren Wilson. ''Scrooge Treasure'' is available in a variety of framed and unframed formats and sizes. ●詳細 Created especially for Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort ''Scrooge Treasure'' Created by artist Darren Wilson All products are packaged using custom made art shipping boxes Gicl?e on paper, framed: Finished size black frame 76cm(高さ) x 60cm(幅) Finished size black/gold frame 77cm(高さ) x 62cm(幅) Finished size beaded gold frame 77cm(高さ) x 62cm(幅) Finished size brown modern hardwood frame 74cm(高さ) x 58cm(幅) All framed paper have a single off white mount and plexiglass Gicl?e on canvas, unframed: 71cm(高さ) x 53cm(幅) Canvas are all supplied ready to hang with 2” deep wooden stretcher bars Canvas have white sides Gicl?e on canvas, framed: Finished size black frame 76cm(高さ) x 58cm(幅) Finished size black/gold frame 77cm(高さ) x 59cm(幅) Finished size beaded gold frame 77cm(高さ) x 59cm(幅) Finished size brown modern hardwood frame 74cm(高さ) x 56cm(幅) All frame mouldings are wood Featured Artist at the Epcot International Festival of the Arts 2017. ●仕様 Printed in U.S.A. About artist Darren Wilson Darren was born in Okinawa, Japan in 1969. His desire to draw and create came at an early age. For Darren's 8th birthday, he got a Walt Disney light-up drawing desk from his parents, which started him on a creative path. Darren graduated with a degree in design from Auburn University in 1993. Wilson began his career in Nashville, Tennessee where he worked as a designer for major corporate clients and soon after, in 1997, began as a graphic designer for Walt Disney World. Darren has created original paintings for the Art of Disney galleries for the past 9 years and has been fluent in both acrylic paint as well as oils. He has had paintings displayed at the Disneyland Resort, World of Disney Store in New York City and the Walt Disney World Resort. ドナルドダックの大金持ちのおじさんが、お金を持って散歩に出かけるダレン・ウィルソンのカラフルな作品です。スクルージ・トレジャー」は、額装されたものとされていないものがあり、サイズも様々です。 お届け時期:2-4週間後 当商品は「Canvas - Black/Gold Frame」です。 ※この作品の別のスタイルは こちら です。
本物の1.25カラットパープルアメジスト925ソリッドスターリングシルバーユニセックスリングサイズ7.5 Natural Rocks by Kala Genuine 1.25ct Purple Amethyst 925 Solid Sterling Silver Unisex Ring Size 7.5|Glomarket
ナチュラルブルー虹色ラブラドライト925ソリッドスターリングシルバーリングサイズ7.25 Natural Rocks by Kala Natural Blue Iridescence Labradorite 925 Solid Sterling Silver Ring Size 7.25|Glomarket
ナチュラルブラッドストーン、ヘリオトロープ925ソリッドスターリングシルバーリングサイズ6.5 Natural Rocks by Kala Natural Bloodstone, Heliotrope 925 Solid Sterling Silver Ring Size 6.5|Glomarket
【中古】【輸入品・未使用】Gem Stone King 1.20カラット シンセティック ホワイトサファイア ネックレス ペンダント 14金 イエローゴールド(K14)|スカイマーケットプラス
Donald Duck's wealthy uncle takes his money for a walk in this richly colorful work by Darren Wilson. ''Scrooge Treasure'' is available in a variety of framed and unframed formats and sizes.
Created especially for Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort
''Scrooge Treasure''
Created by artist Darren Wilson
All products are packaged using custom made art shipping boxes
Gicl?e on paper, framed:
Finished size black frame 76cm(高さ) x 60cm(幅)
Finished size black/gold frame 77cm(高さ) x 62cm(幅)
Finished size beaded gold frame 77cm(高さ) x 62cm(幅)
Finished size brown modern hardwood frame 74cm(高さ) x 58cm(幅)
All framed paper have a single off white mount and plexiglass
Gicl?e on canvas, unframed:
71cm(高さ) x 53cm(幅)
Canvas are all supplied ready to hang with 2” deep wooden stretcher bars
Canvas have white sides
Gicl?e on canvas, framed:
Finished size black frame 76cm(高さ) x 58cm(幅)
Finished size black/gold frame 77cm(高さ) x 59cm(幅)
Finished size beaded gold frame 77cm(高さ) x 59cm(幅)
Finished size brown modern hardwood frame 74cm(高さ) x 56cm(幅)
All frame mouldings are wood
Featured Artist at the Epcot International Festival of the Arts 2017.
Printed in U.S.A.
About artist Darren Wilson
Darren was born in Okinawa, Japan in 1969. His desire to draw and create came at an early age. For Darren's 8th birthday, he got a Walt Disney light-up drawing desk from his parents, which started him on a creative path. Darren graduated with a degree in design from Auburn University in 1993. Wilson began his career in Nashville, Tennessee where he worked as a designer for major corporate clients and soon after, in 1997, began as a graphic designer for Walt Disney World. Darren has created original paintings for the Art of Disney galleries for the past 9 years and has been fluent in both acrylic paint as well as oils. He has had paintings displayed at the Disneyland Resort, World of Disney Store in New York City and the Walt Disney World Resort.
お届け時期:2-4週間後 当商品は「Canvas - Black/Gold Frame」です。
※この作品の別のスタイルは こちら です。
・お届け時期: 2-4週間後
【中古】【輸入品・未使用】PearlsOnly 7-8mm AAA 品質 14K イエローゴールド 淡水養殖真珠 ピアス ペア ホワイト|スカイマーケットプラス
翡翠と22カラットのゴールドブレスレット、メンズ翡翠とゴールドブレスレット、メンズゴールドビーズブレスレット Kartini Studio Jade and 22 Karat Gold Bracelet, Men's Jade and Gold Bracelet, Men's Gold Beads Bracelet|Glomarket
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本物の1.25カラットパープルアメジスト925ソリッドスターリングシルバーユニセックスリングサイズ7.5 Natural Rocks by Kala Genuine 1.25ct Purple Amethyst 925 Solid Sterling Silver Unisex Ring Size 7.5|Glomarket
ナチュラルブルー虹色ラブラドライト925ソリッドスターリングシルバーリングサイズ7.25 Natural Rocks by Kala Natural Blue Iridescence Labradorite 925 Solid Sterling Silver Ring Size 7.25|Glomarket
ナチュラルブラッドストーン、ヘリオトロープ925ソリッドスターリングシルバーリングサイズ6.5 Natural Rocks by Kala Natural Bloodstone, Heliotrope 925 Solid Sterling Silver Ring Size 6.5|Glomarket
【中古】【輸入品・未使用】Gem Stone King 1.20カラット シンセティック ホワイトサファイア ネックレス ペンダント 14金 イエローゴールド(K14)|スカイマーケットプラス
Sivalya AURORA 8.05Ctwナチュラルローエメラルドジュエリーセットスターリングシルバー-クッションカットグリーンジェムストーンネックレスとイヤリングセット-ギフトパッケージが付属し、女性への素晴らしいギフトになります Sivalya AURORA 8.05Ctw Natural Raw E|Glomarket
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