値引きモルレ シャルドネ マ ドゥース 2013 Morlet Family Chardonnay Ma Douce アメリカ カリフォルニア 白ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
モルレ Morlet Family
シャルドネ マ ドゥース Chardonnay Ma Douce
パーカーポイント: 96点 予想される飲み頃:2016 - 2031 The 2013 Chardonnay Ma Douce comes from the high-elevation ridge top vineyard, two ridges in from the Pacific Ocean, and is bottled without fining or filtration (essentially the formula for all of the wines in the Morlet portfolio). It displays loads of tangerine oil, brioche, honeysuckle, and nectarine. It is full-bodied, beautifully pure, dense and capable of lasting at least 10-15 years. (222, The Wine Advocate, 31st Dec 2015)
Morlet Family
Chardonnay Ma Douce
予想される飲み頃:2016 - 2031
The 2013 Chardonnay Ma Douce comes from the high-elevation ridge top vineyard, two ridges in from the Pacific Ocean, and is bottled without fining or filtration (essentially the formula for all of the wines in the Morlet portfolio). It displays loads of tangerine oil, brioche, honeysuckle, and nectarine. It is full-bodied, beautifully pure, dense and capable of lasting at least 10-15 years.
(222, The Wine Advocate, 31st Dec 2015)
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