Cote-Rotie Cote Brune Domaine Jamet 2005 / コート ロティ コート ブリュンヌ ドメーヌ ジャメ 2005 . For two millennia, the vine is cultivated in terraces, held by stone walls on the steeply sloping Coteau, which produces the famous wines of Cote-Rotie, with exceptional aromas, they are fabulous and border on perfection. In 1946, ten hectares of the vineyard of the house J. Vidal-Fleury, founded in Ampuis in 1781, were bought by Etienne Guigal, Marcel Guigal, successor of Etienne, excellent winemaker, was quickly considered the greatest merchant-breeder of the Rhone Valley, l knew how to highlight these two great terroirs that are the Cote-Brune and the Cote-Blonde. Varieties: Syrah, Viognier. Wine Score : 97/100 75cl 1
Cote-Rotie Cote Brune Domaine Jamet 2005 / コート ロティ コート ブリュンヌ ドメーヌ ジャメ 2005 .
For two millennia, the vine is cultivated in terraces, held by stone walls on the steeply sloping Coteau, which produces the famous wines of Cote-Rotie, with exceptional aromas, they are fabulous and border on perfection.
In 1946, ten hectares of the vineyard of the house J. Vidal-Fleury, founded in Ampuis in 1781, were bought by Etienne Guigal, Marcel Guigal, successor of Etienne, excellent winemaker, was quickly considered the greatest merchant-breeder of the Rhone Valley, l knew how to highlight these two great terroirs that are the Cote-Brune and the Cote-Blonde.
Varieties: Syrah, Viognier.
Wine Score : 97/100
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