かわいい!Château Pétrus 1957 /シャトー・ペトリュス 1957|Fine and Rare
Ch・・teau P・・trus 1957 /シャトー・ペトリュス 1957
Owned by the Arnaud family since 1770, the vintage was once known as "Petrus-Arnaud". The origin of the name "Petrus", which refers to St Peter's, is uncertain. At the end of the nineteenth century, Petrus is among the very best crus of Pomerol behind Vieux Ch・・teau Certan and is sold at the level of the 2nd crus of the M・・doc. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the property was bought by Mr. Sabin-Douarre, former manager, who then created the "Soci・・t・・ Civile du Ch・・teau Petrus". The vineyard of 11.5 ha, located in the original plots at the top of the Pomerol plateau, extends over particularly old black clay soils on the subsoil of iron filth, soils favorable to a perfect water supply.
Ch・・teau P・・trus 1957 /シャトー・ペトリュス 1957
Owned by the Arnaud family since 1770, the vintage was once known as "Petrus-Arnaud". The origin of the name "Petrus", which refers to St Peter's, is uncertain.
At the end of the nineteenth century, Petrus is among the very best crus of Pomerol behind Vieux Ch・・teau Certan and is sold at the level of the 2nd crus of the M・・doc. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the property was bought by Mr. Sabin-Douarre, former manager, who then created the "Soci・・t・・ Civile du Ch・・teau Petrus".
The vineyard of 11.5 ha, located in the original plots at the top of the Pomerol plateau, extends over particularly old black clay soils on the subsoil of iron filth, soils favorable to a perfect water supply.
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