製品番号: LA-7400-00 Change the angle of your risers or T-Bars without having to install a different set of triple trees Can be installed to face towards or away from the rider Angle the risers toward you for increased pullback and a more comfortable riding position Angle the risers away from you for a custom chopper look without the expense of raking out the front end or switching your handlebars Made in the U.S.A. Check handlebar clearance before operating Check handlebar clearance before operating. Brand : LA CHOPPERS Vendor part number : LA-7400-00 Base Color : Silver Base Finish : Chrome Color/Finish : Chrome Material : 6061-T6 Aluminum Product Name : Bushing Style : 5° Type : Riser Units : Pair
ミヅシマ工業 ノーマッドマットエキストラデューティ 1200mmX6m ブラウン 403-215 BR 1巻:Shop de clinic店
Change the angle of your risers or T-Bars without having to install a different set of triple trees
Can be installed to face towards or away from the rider
Angle the risers toward you for increased pullback and a more comfortable riding position
Angle the risers away from you for a custom chopper look without the expense of raking out the front end or switching your handlebars
Made in the U.S.A.
Check handlebar clearance before operating
Check handlebar clearance before operating.
Vendor part number : LA-7400-00
Base Color : Silver
Base Finish : Chrome
Color/Finish : Chrome
Material : 6061-T6 Aluminum
Product Name : Bushing
Style : 5°
Type : Riser
Units : Pair
ミヅシマ工業 ノーマッドマットエキストラデューティ 1200mmX6m ブラウン 403-215 BR 1巻:Shop de clinic店
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