超人気新品Blackbird Racing ブラックバードレーシング フォーク シール プロテクター ロング:ウェビック 店
■商品概要 【メーカー品番】5090/90 カラー:オレンジ■詳細説明 A pair of mud protectors made of technical fabric and designed to protect the dust seals and sealing rings of upside down forks measuring between 45 and 50 mm in diameter, increasing durability and thus prolonging the performance of their shock absorbing elements. The forks must first be removed in order to fit the mud protectors. In the upper part, the FSPs are fixed to the fork tubes by two rubber bands with additional silicon strips inside to strengthen the bond. Available in a long version (code 5090), which completely covers the fork stem and a short version (code 5089), which covers only the part nearest to the dust cover. Produced in black, red, blue, fluo yellow and fluo orange. The long version has also two o-rings for the lower part of the fork stems.■注意点 ※画像には他のカラー・タイプが含まれている場合があります。 ※輸入品のため、説明書が付属する場合、外国語の説明書となります。 ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。■商品番号 1110281005
A pair of mud protectors made of technical fabric and designed to protect the dust seals and sealing rings of upside down forks measuring between 45 and 50 mm in diameter, increasing durability and thus prolonging the performance of their shock absorbing elements. The forks must first be removed in order to fit the mud protectors. In the upper part, the FSPs are fixed to the fork tubes by two rubber bands with additional silicon strips inside to strengthen the bond.
Available in a long version (code 5090), which completely covers the fork stem and a short version (code 5089), which covers only the part nearest to the dust cover.
Produced in black, red, blue, fluo yellow and fluo orange.
The long version has also two o-rings for the lower part of the fork stems.■注意点
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