■詳細説明 BMW R1200 GSA 2014 Onward Brake pads Sintered Sintered brake pads:Carried out with the complex process of sintering,they enlarge the already Brenta wide range,covering the applications for the most demanding maxi moto road uses and maxi scooter race use. The high technology used for the production of these products provides an exceptional stability in performance maintaining,thanks to the particular compound,a high friction coefficient both in hot and in cold situation,with a limited wear of the disc.
BMW R1200 GSA 2014 Onward
Brake pads Sintered
Sintered brake pads:Carried out with the complex process of sintering,they enlarge the already Brenta wide range,covering the applications for the most demanding maxi moto road uses and maxi scooter race use.
The high technology used for the production of these products provides an exceptional stability in performance maintaining,thanks to the particular compound,a high friction coefficient both in hot and in cold situation,with a limited wear of the disc.
R1200 GSA 14-
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