ヴィノス: 100点 予想される飲み頃:NA You know you are in for a special night when the first wine served is Krugs 1988 Clos du Mesnil. Where do I start? Everything about the wine is sensational from start to finish. An endless array of crushed rocks, minerals and bright citrus emerges from this intensely pointed, chiseled Champagne. The elegance, though, is really in the texture. The wine has acquired an element of vinosity over the years, with the tiniest and finest of bubbles and simply extraordinary finesse. It is a wine of mind-blowing purity and breathtaking elegance. Simply put, wine does not get better than this. The 1988 Clos du Mesnil is an eternal wine. (Vinous, July 2011)
Clos du Mesnil
You know you are in for a special night when the first wine served is Krugs 1988 Clos du Mesnil. Where do I start? Everything about the wine is sensational from start to finish. An endless array of crushed rocks, minerals and bright citrus emerges from this intensely pointed, chiseled Champagne. The elegance, though, is really in the texture. The wine has acquired an element of vinosity over the years, with the tiniest and finest of bubbles and simply extraordinary finesse. It is a wine of mind-blowing purity and breathtaking elegance. Simply put, wine does not get better than this. The 1988 Clos du Mesnil is an eternal wine.
(Vinous, July 2011)
1843年にヨハン=ヨゼフ・クリュッグによって設立された由緒あるメゾンです。クリュッグはその年の250区画のワインと膨大なリザーブワインライブラリーにある、異なる14年分の150区画のワインとブレンドの技術を組み合わせ、クリュッグ グランド・キュヴェの生産と、すべてのクリュッグ シャンパーニュの美、表現、エレガンスを実現するのに必要な時間を絶対的に尊重し、毎年最高のシャンパーニュを造りあげています。
クリュッグ 一覧へ
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