■商品概要 ホモロゲーション サイレンサータイプ:POWERCONE EVO■詳細説明 GPR EXHAUST SYSTEM COMPATIBLE FOR HONDA CBR 650 F 2014/16 HOMOLOGATED FULL EXHAUST POWERCONE EVO CO.H.249.1.PCEV GPR EXHAUST SYSTEM COMPATIBLE FOR HONDA CBR 650 F 2014/16 0 Silencer homologated for noise pollution only plus RACING header/collector decat pipe, Full system homologated POWERCONE EVO series, kit include removable db killer (baffle) for racing use. It include specific link pipe and Full system, brackets, holder and fasteners, the mid system is to install without cut anything, easy mounting. Pipe work and caps totally stainless steel made (Aisi 304) while silencer body is made by genuine INOX. Developed from GPR thanks to Moto GP and SBK races experiences, the system has a CONICAL shape, Diam. 100MM - 70 100, medium weight about 1, 86 kg depending from motorbike of destination. GPR provide original homologation documents and instructions available as drawings or video or pictures books. If item is used in homologated configuration it doesn’t require mapping, it is possible use panniers and central stand and sonda lambda boss is included when necessary. Available many sound file and pictures gallery, product is hand made in Italy, produced under European directives regarding noise pollution, it is street legal for noise and it has 2 years of international warranty■注意点 【JMCA未認証】 ※JMCA未認証のマフラーは車検・公道走行に適さない場合がございます。 ※サイレンサーの形状や大きさ/サイレンサーエンドの形状/サイレンサーエンドの仕様は車両により異なりまして、商品画像と異なるケースがございます。 ※車検の適合に関しては保障致しかねます。 ※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。 ※公道走行不可。 ※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※海外仕様モデル向けに作られています。一部国内仕様の車両に限っては装着するにあたり加工が必要なケースがございます。 ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※画像はイメージです。■適合車種 CBR 650 F CBR 650 F 年式: 14-16 ■商品番号 CO.H.249.1.PCEV
サイレンサータイプ:POWERCONE EVO■詳細説明
CO.H.249.1.PCEV GPR EXHAUST SYSTEM COMPATIBLE FOR HONDA CBR 650 F 2014/16 0 Silencer homologated for noise pollution only plus RACING header/collector decat pipe,
Full system homologated POWERCONE EVO series,
kit include removable db killer (baffle) for racing use. It include specific link pipe and Full system,
holder and fasteners,
the mid system is to install without cut anything,
easy mounting. Pipe work and caps totally stainless steel made (Aisi 304) while silencer body is made by genuine INOX. Developed from GPR thanks to Moto GP and SBK races experiences,
the system has a CONICAL shape,
Diam. 100MM - 70 100,
medium weight about 1,
86 kg depending from motorbike of destination. GPR provide original homologation documents and instructions available as drawings or video or pictures books. If item is used in homologated configuration it doesn’t require mapping,
it is possible use panniers and central stand and sonda lambda boss is included when necessary. Available many sound file and pictures gallery,
product is hand made in Italy,
produced under European directives regarding noise pollution,
it is street legal for noise and it has 2 years of international warranty■注意点
CBR 650 F
CBR 650 F 年式: 14-16 ■商品番号
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