Potentially the finest Corton-Charlemagne Louis Latour has fashioned in years, certainly since the 1995, the 2001 bursts from the glass with oak-laced spices and minerals. There is great depth and density to its layered, powerful core. Loads of minerals and gravel interplay with pears in its satin-textured, focused personality. What will determine this wine's future is the juicy lemon notes that it revealed in its exceptionally long finish. If they remain in the background my score will ultimately seem conservative. Projected maturity: 2004-2012. (146, The Wine Advocate 23rd Apr 2003)
Louis Latour
Corton Charlemagne
Potentially the finest Corton-Charlemagne Louis Latour has fashioned in years, certainly since the 1995, the 2001 bursts from the glass with oak-laced spices and minerals. There is great depth and density to its layered, powerful core. Loads of minerals and gravel interplay with pears in its satin-textured, focused personality. What will determine this wine's future is the juicy lemon notes that it revealed in its exceptionally long finish. If they remain in the background my score will ultimately seem conservative. Projected maturity: 2004-2012.
(146, The Wine Advocate 23rd Apr 2003)
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