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Stands KT-013 for SEIKO SEIKO KT-501
※ Weight exceeds 10 kg or, in the case of a large-scale standard (the total of packing size length, the side, the height exceeds 130cm), the additional postage may be caused product packing.
The stands for exclusive use of KT-501
※The photograph is a set example with the body. The body is sold separately. ※Stands KT-013 two are necessary for KT-501.
★ Specifications ★
[model number] KT-013 [size] about W520 X H1, 400* D750mm [mass] Approximately 12 kg [materials] Product made in steel sheet, the firing painting
【Product description in English】
Stands KT-013 for SEIKO SEIKO KT-501
※ Weight exceeds 10 kg or, in the case of a large-scale standard (the total of packing size length, the side, the height exceeds 130cm), the additional postage may be caused product packing.
The stands for exclusive use of KT-501
※The photograph is a set example with the body. The body is sold separately.
※Stands KT-013 two are necessary for KT-501.
★ Specifications ★
[model number] KT-013
[size] about W520 X H1, 400* D750mm
[mass] Approximately 12 kg
[materials] Product made in steel sheet, the firing painting
※ 重量が10kgを超過、もしくは商品梱包が大型規格(梱包サイズ 縦・横・高さの合計が130cmを超過)の場合、追加送料が発生する場合があります。
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