──【メーカーカタログより】── LIGHTS, SOUND AND ACCESSORIES: Comes with 16 pretend fashion and make-up accessories. Let your tot jam away or let the pre-programmed songs and light shows serenade their playtime - 7 AA Bat. Required "AND ARE INCLUDED"SAFE AND MESS FREE: While highly realistic, none of the make-up pieces are real or contain anything that can make a mess. Made of high quality plastics, these are intended for pretend application. Due to choking hazards, recommended for ages 3 - 5.IMAGINATIVE PLAY: Kids learn through the use of their imaginations. Let your child's mind run free and have fun while playing with this set! They can be a hairdresser, ... The sky's the limit. Great for solo or group play!PERFECT SIZE; EASY ASSEMBLY: Vanity Dimensions: 28.5 inches x 9.5 inches x 17 inches Ready for fun right out of the box with just a few minutes of easy assembly! Set up and let your child play for hours! Fits in any room!GUARANTEED SMILES! We know that our products will be an asset to any playroom classroom or toy room and we stand behind the quality of our products. All Dimple toys come standard with a 1-year comprehensive warranty on craftsmanship.
[Product Specifications] Features : No features description available Gender : Unisex Age Range : 12 - 24 Months, 2 - 4 Years, 5 - 7 Years Assembled Product Weight : 5.5 lbs Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H) : 18.00 x 4.00 x 24.00 Inches
LIGHTS, SOUND AND ACCESSORIES: Comes with 16 pretend fashion and make-up accessories. Let your tot jam away or let the pre-programmed songs and light shows serenade their playtime - 7 AA Bat. Required "AND ARE INCLUDED"SAFE AND MESS FREE: While highly realistic, none of the make-up pieces are real or contain anything that can make a mess. Made of high quality plastics, these are intended for pretend application. Due to choking hazards, recommended for ages 3 - 5.IMAGINATIVE PLAY: Kids learn through the use of their imaginations. Let your child's mind run free and have fun while playing with this set! They can be a hairdresser, ... The sky's the limit. Great for solo or group play!PERFECT SIZE; EASY ASSEMBLY: Vanity Dimensions: 28.5 inches x 9.5 inches x 17 inches Ready for fun right out of the box with just a few minutes of easy assembly! Set up and let your child play for hours! Fits in any room!GUARANTEED SMILES! We know that our products will be an asset to any playroom classroom or toy room and we stand behind the quality of our products. All Dimple toys come standard with a 1-year comprehensive warranty on craftsmanship.
[Product Specifications]
Features : No features description available
Gender : Unisex
Age Range : 12 - 24 Months, 2 - 4 Years, 5 - 7 Years
Assembled Product Weight : 5.5 lbs
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H) : 18.00 x 4.00 x 24.00 Inches
── カタログ(英語 原文)を機械翻訳 ──
ライト、サウンド、アクセサリー:16のふりファッションとメイクアップアクセサリーが付属しています。荷物を詰め込んだり、事前にプログラムされた曲や光のショーでセレナーデを楽しんだり-7 AAバット。必須であり、安全で問題のないものに含まれる:非常に現実的ではありますが、どのメイクアップピースも実際のものではなく、混乱を引き起こす可能性のあるものも含まれていません。高品質のプラスチック製で、偽装アプリケーション向けです。窒息の危険があるため、3~5歳に推奨。想像上の遊び:子供たちは想像力を駆使して学習します。このセットで遊んでいる間、あなたの子供の心が自由に走り、楽しみましょう!彼らは美容師になることができます...空は限界です。ソロやグループプレイに最適です。PERFECTSIZE;簡単な組み立て:虚栄心の寸法:28.5インチx 9.5インチx 17インチほんの数分で簡単に組み立てられ、箱から出してすぐに楽しめます!セットアップして、お子様に何時間も遊ばせましょう!どんなお部屋にもフィットします!保証付きの笑顔!私たちの製品はプレイルームの教室やおもちゃの部屋の資産になることを知っており、製品の品質を支えています。すべてのディンプルのおもちゃには、職人技に関する1年間の包括的な保証が標準で付いています。
組み立てられた製品の寸法(L x W x H):18.00 x 4.00 x 24.00インチ
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