Challenge the LEGO Ninjago with Minifigures from Meow, Jay, and Lloyd from the LEGO Ninjago animated Siriz! 71717 Path of Magic Dungeon Set Fun alone or with your friends This building set includes Meow, Jay and Lloyd, as well as a Mart minifigure and a dungeon with a basement. Dice spinners can also be used as a board game for twice the fun This cool dungeon model set not only can you recreate the famous scenes from the LEGO Ninjago animated series, but it also can be used as a board game to explore the dungeons that wanna or spider waiting for you to explore the dungeons and rescue the trapped Ninjas 401 parts with a figure you can build it by yourself and challenge the LEGO Ninjago. The Magical Dungeon Road Set is a fun and fun design for kids ages 7 and up and makes a great birthday or surprise gift for little ninjas A set of jungs for hours of creative play. The Dungeon measures 13cm high, 22cm long and 20cm wide, making it easy to carry around No batteries required for this set. Ready to play Let your imagination run wild and dive into the fantasy world! The easy-to-follow assembly instructions are included so even your child can build a dungeon model and start their dungeon adventures right away The LEGO Ninjago series includes a set that allows children to explore their creativity and play in the world of thrill and adventure
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