In 1734, Jacques Fourneaux created a trading house of Champagne and worked with the great Benedictine abbeys then owners of the most beautiful vineyards of Champagne, the house settled in the hotel of the Counts of Champagne, a beautiful house of Reims dating from the thirteenth century located rue du Tambour, in which stayed Count Thibaud IV of Champagne called the Chansonnier. Legend has it that the latter, returning from crusade, brought back from Cyprus the vine plants ancestors of the Chardonnay grape. Score : 96/100 75cl/12%
Taittinger Comtes de Champagne Brut Rose 1981 / テタンジェ コント ド シャンパーニュ ロゼ 1981|Fine and Rare
Taittinger Comtes de Champagne 1969 / テタンジェ コント ド シャンパーニュ 1969
In 1734, Jacques Fourneaux created a trading house of Champagne and worked with the great Benedictine abbeys then owners of the most beautiful vineyards of Champagne, the house settled in the hotel of the Counts of Champagne, a beautiful house of Reims dating from the thirteenth century located rue du Tambour, in which stayed Count Thibaud IV of Champagne called the Chansonnier. Legend has it that the latter, returning from crusade, brought back from Cyprus the vine plants ancestors of the Chardonnay grape.
Score : 96/100
Taittinger Comtes de Champagne Brut Rose 1981 / テタンジェ コント ド シャンパーニュ ロゼ 1981|Fine and Rare
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